viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Summer Reading Blog Post #3

Poetic Pondering… Response Three (10 points)
**Remember - creativity and originality count in order to receive full credit for each response!  Your response should not be similar to any others posted by your classmates!**

First, list your novel’s title and the motif on which you will focus. Then,  select words, lines, and phrases from the novel that you think project strong images and relate specifically to the chosen motif. Arrange these lines and phrases into a "found" poem that is at least ten lines long.

EXAMPLE: from Spite Fences by Trudy Krisher (1994, Delacorte):

Fist slammed into George Hardy’s face
Glasses slid to his chin
Shattered into a spider’s web.
River of red blood
Running from his nose.
It was the red color of the fence
The red color of the earth
on which I stood
It was red
The color of my life this summer
The color of Kinship.

40 comentarios:

  1. Alfredo Flores
    Mrs. Gracesqui
    World Literature
    07 August 2013
    Poetic Pondering… Response Five

    The chosen book for this summer reading is Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich and the motif of “Hope among Despair” will be analyzed for this response.

    In the dark, in the freezing cold
    A thin, treacherous breeze was creeping in
    You loose the power of speech
    Can a man who's warm
    Understand one who's freezing?
    There were shouts from the crowd
    Bastard. Dog vomit. Dirtbag
    The zeks dressed up in all their rags
    Lost to the world. Waiting for the foremen to yell
    It was still dark
    Although a greenish light was brightening in the east
    Tsezar gave him a little smile
    No, no. Eat yourself, Ivan Denisovich

  2. Timothy Seo, "One Day" by Solzhenitsyn.

    The motif I will focus on is the greyness that the reader perceives while reading the detailed description of Shukov's day.

    The hammer banged.
    Time to get up.
    The bunk swayed and trembled
    …forty below
    “Unbutton your shirts!”
    march in rows
    in fives! …First!
    or: go to the hole
    “Hands behind you!”
    “Close up!”
    Gang 82
    was blocking the stove
    Mortar. Cinder blocks
    “Get the place fixed…!”
    “Mortar!” echoes Shukov
    while it’s being mixed

  3. Cristina Chiang
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

    The chosen motif is the cold weather that acts as an obstacle during Shukov’s day. It is a recurring element during his day and at times it is even personified as character.

    It was hard starting a day’s work
    In the dark, in the freezing cold, with a hungry belly.
    But that was all you had to do
    It was that or perish.
    The cold was fierce
    Nowhere to go for warmth
    Nothing but bare white snow.
    Cold food
    Icy cell block
    Dressed up in all their rags and tatters
    Twenty-seven below, with a mean wind blowing, no shelter, and no hope of a warm!
    Can a man who’s warm understand one who’s freezing?

  4. Jae Ha, Cho
    So long a letter

    The motif is Feminism where Ramatoulaye realizes that she was obeying and depending on her husband and following the societal norms and urges all the other woman to unite and be independent of a man that doesn't appreciate a woman.

    She gives up her personality
    Her dignity
    Becoming a thing in the service of the man
    Sunday, I aquiesced under the drop of poison
    Betrayed, wasted, served the man
    But, She could not betray or divorce
    She did not divorce, she was abandoned
    Nothing such as Female minister
    Only rasing man to power
    She is still a femenist

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Rosa Lee
    All Quiet on the Western Front-

    The selected motif is the Mixture of Emotions, depicting the struggle that Paul endures, and the confusion Paul goes through. He is stuck in the middle of two emotions, he does not know which way to go.

    Only eighty strong men are left
    but at least the plate is full
    men die and their goods are taken
    it now seems reasonable
    I go home but home isn't home
    Mother's in pain, i wish to die with her
    This war has corrupted the mindsets
    making soldiers follow animal instinct
    I strike a french man madly
    the guilt pierces me like a shot in the chest
    I wish this war to be over, i wish to be quiet and calm.

  7. Claudia Rubio
    The House of the Spirits

    The chosen motif was poverty. Poverty is shown throughout the book, such as in the peasant of Tres Marias, as is wealth. The contrast between the two is a theme in the story.

    Poorer than ever
    Work without rest
    Bare necessities to keep from starving
    Shoulder blades were jutting through open wounds
    Starving to death
    Worst abandonment
    Murderous hatred
    Rocks and vultures
    Endless lines
    Solemn poor

  8. Javier Lopez
    All Quiet on the Western Front

    The chosen motif is the fear that Paul had throughout the war and what he had to see daily.

    Our thoughts are devastated,
    Bombardment, mines, gas
    Men without faces
    Men with their skulls blown open
    Sharp, downy, dead faces
    Nights become quiet
    The dead lie unburied
    We are lost
    Mysterious mist that trails over the dead
    Life is at an end.

  9. Maria Jose Ulloa
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

    The chosen motif is the inhuman treatment given to Shukhov during his day in the labor camp.

    A day of work starting at five o'clock in the morning
    With nagging pains all over his body
    Dreaming of being ill, bad enough to lie in bed
    Strictly obeying orders and keeping up to his rank
    Chilled to the bone, freezing like a dog
    Overworked like a horse and a belly calling out
    Guards wouldnt treat him as a human being
    The authorities always yelled at him
    He was hurt. Punished. Weakened.
    Every nerve strained to a breaking point
    And the only cure doctors knew was
    Putting him in his grave.

  10. Jarnes Mustafa
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

    The chosen motif is his day in his sentence, which would seem like a horrible day, but is a good day for Ivan.

    A Terrible, but Almost a Happy one

    The hammer banged reveille.... at 5 o clock as always
    Time to get up, the jangling stopped
    Escaped Prisoner? Nazi Spies more like
    Thank you, citizen warder! I'll never sleep again
    Remember the two extra portions of gruel
    The blocks weren't at all the same, yet Shukhov made no mistakes
    You might at least give him a smoke
    The end of an unclouded day, almost a happy one
    He had many strokes of luck that day
    Just one of the 3653 days of his sentence
    He no longer knew if he wanted to be free or not
    Because he was glad to be in prison

  11. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

    Motif: A Horrible Way of Life

    S854, three days penalty with work
    Eight years of imprisonment
    The cold stung, murky fog wrapped around Shukhov and made him cough painfully
    Lash out at someone's neck
    Shukhov's back was giving him hell
    The small of his back ached, and so did the rest of it
    That nagging pain had now moved down to his legs
    Shukhov's fingers were numb with cold under his worn mittens
    His hands, big and cracked and blackened
    Just one of the three thousand six hundred and fifty-three days of his sentence

  12. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

    Motif: Injustice

    Nobody else around
    Why so late?
    Clinic in the morning?
    Wheres the pain?
    Number of thermometers
    Nothing for five whole minutes
    No way of getting any rest
    Patients got no peace
    Work, what horses die of
    Thirty-seven point two
    I’d go to work if I were you
    Left without a word or a nod
    But how can a man who’s warm
    Understand one who’s freezing

  13. Jose Lorenzo Fermin
    All Quiet on The Western Front: Erich Maria Remarque

    The motif I chose for the construction of this poem is war.

    I am in the front lines
    Rationing what little I have left
    Batteries fire our own
    As I groan and pray
    A shell bursts in my ears
    Machine guns rattle
    As I recover myself
    A man has seen so many dead
    No more anguish over an individual
    His face was quite calm.

  14. Response 3
    Carlos Gomez

    The book I chose is One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the theme I chose was Unjust Treatment.

    The hammer banged
    At five o’clock as always
    I was scared even of the battalion commander
    People are getting their throats cut in bed
    Who decreed that?
    The Soviet government
    Even after eight years on general duties
    He was no scrounger
    His eyes were studying the wall,
    The façade of the Power Station
    The camp commander had given strict orders
    Pick up stragglers and shove them in the hole
    You can turn a man upside down,
    Inside out, any way you like

  15. Suah An
    All Quite on the Western Front

    I chose the motif for this response is a horrible war goes through to Paul and his friends.

    We have to go up on wiring fatigue
    A fair-headed recruit in utter terror
    Shells, gas clouds, and flotillas of tanks—shattering, corroding, death
    The shelling can be heard distinctly
    The shelling is stronger than everything
    Cries are heard between the explosions
    The earth itself raging
    In the branches dead man are hanging
    The abdominal and spine cases and double amputations
    The stain I am under, the uncertainty, the hunger, the danger

  16. Joan Manuel Reyes
    So long a letter by Mariama Bâ
    The mitifs chose for this poem are the unfaithfulness and inconsideration of Modou with his wife Ramatoulaye.

    A man that was loved by his wife
    She, the one who gave him thirty years of her life,
    Twelve children of his she gave birth
    She honored him since the day that they met
    But this was not enough to change Modou’s desire.
    Being blinded by the beauty of another girl
    Modou chose to leave his family without even tell
    How unfaithfull was this man with his wife?
    How were his children going to face the problems of life?
    The day when Modou got married his wife became a widow
    Now his past was burned morally and materially.

  17. Karla Abreu
    The House of the Spirits
    Theme: Cycle of Evil

    The cycle of evil begins
    One life is scarred and many are changed
    All by a man who is mentally deranged
    The lives around him changed by sin

    Esteban Trueba began the chain
    He did wrong and did not repent
    His son his life and all was torment
    He did things that produced no gain

    Alba was the pure innocent child
    She was tortured and hurt
    Everything was torn, even her shirt
    Esteban Garcia was wild

    The cycle began
    The cycle must end
    The law of karma for no one will bend
    It started with one man with another it will end

  18. Ina Yoo
    One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    Writing letters now was like throwing stones into a bottomless pool.
    They sank without a trace.
    Nowadays you had more to say to Kildigs, the Latvian, than to the folks at home.
    Work was like a stick.
    It had two ends.
    The only time a prisoner lives for himself is ten minutes in the morning at breakfast, five minutes over dinner, and five at supper.
    What had he to be happy about?
    If you were stubborn they broke you
    The stars fall down now and then.
    He had less and less cause to remember Temgenovo and his home there.

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  20. Randy Dominguez
    One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
    Motif : Frosty Temperatures

    The habitually cycle happens nearly everyday
    Fog coming out from their mouths
    As if they're were smoking
    Red, pink noses
    To the point it seemed like if it was bleeding red
    Breakfest, Lunch, and Dinner
    Although the time that was given was tiny
    Nearly all eyes became the color of spring
    Filled with happiness and cheer
    Other than that period of time
    The blue eyes most of them had
    became as if it was just another icy winter
    The blue is the color most of them could be defined as
    because thats exactly how they felt to be a prisoner

  21. Gabriel Fernandez
    All Quiet on the Western Front

    Darkness blacker than the night rush on us
    There is no escape.
    We lie in utter terror;
    We have become instant human animals.
    The dark goes mad
    With a crash something black bears down on us.
    I feel I am suffocating.
    A recruit has his hip covered with blood
    He whimpers like a child,
    Don't go away...

  22. Rosia Bermudez
    One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
    Motif: Coldness

    Looking at the sun made all of us happy
    A smile in our face
    Why smile in a place like this?
    Fog takes over the sky
    Days filled with dark clouds
    Violent cold winds blew around
    Freezing lips, red nose
    How can someone who's warm understand someone who's cold
    Dark fog covered me, making me cough painfully
    Temperature outside was -17
    Got to fight harder

  23. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  24. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

    War is the motif chosen for this response as a general overview of the novel and an analysis of what readers and characters think of it.

    Not the mind but the boot brush
    Not intelligence but the system
    Not freedom but drill
    We will kill
    Monotonously the lorries sway
    Rifles and bombs are aimed
    Bombardment, barrage, curtain-fire,
    Mines, gas, tanks, machine-guns, hand-grenades,
    Trenches, hospitals, the common grave
    Words, words, words,
    But they hold the horror of the world
    The war has ruined us for everything

  25. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  26. Camila Hahn Ceara

    The chosen book for the summer reading is All Quiet In The Western Front by Erich Remarque. The chosen motif is the brutal impact of war on the soldiers. How war affected them and what they became because of it.

    We believe in war
    These are words, but what they signify
    I believe we are lost
    It is senseless
    We are insensible, dead men
    Able to run and kill
    We want to live at any price
    We have become wild beasts
    Thick-skinned, human animals
    All at once it seems to be confused and helpless
    We are cut from striving
    The war has ruined us forever.

  27. Angelica Ortiz
    So long a letter
    Motif: Unfaithfulness

    His most intimate secret
    His abandonment of his first family,
    He rejected us.
    I measure the extent of Modou’s betrayal.
    Was it madness, weakness, irresistible love?
    What inner confusion led Modou Fall to marry Binetou?
    Heartless or irresistible love?
    In loving someone else,
    He dares to commit such an act of disavowal.
    If you can procreate without loving,
    Then I find you despicable.

  28. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  29. Gabriela Fabian
    So long a letter
    Motif: Death
    Faster! Faster! Faster still! My throat is dry.
    At last I am at the hospital
    A train of tearful people, known and unknown.
    There is a rigid lump in my chest.
    I don’t know where to look
    I don’t know who to speak to.
    My mind tells me his still alive.
    Even though my heart speaks truth.
    Suddenly, I see the endless corridor.
    The corridor, which will answer my doubt.
    At the end I see a room, in the room a bed.
    In the bed there lay Modu, stretched out.
    With no more life in him.

  30. Alexandra Rodriguez
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    Motif : cold, alone , hope

    Kept hoping morning would never come
    Some hope of getting warm with a thick scab of ice on the windows
    At that very moment the hand of the authority,
    Whipped [my] jerkin and blanket away
    Can a man who's warm understand one who's freezing
    The mist of the frosty air took your breath away
    Keep strictly to your column on the march
    One step to the right or left,
    And the guards will open fire
    A convicts thoughts are no freer than he is
    They always come back to the same place
    Just one of the 3563 days of [my] sentence

  31. -Charles Medina -One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich -Motif:despair, loneliness,imprisonment -The thoughts of a prisoner -their not free either -it awakens deeply buried memories -and touches deep chords of guilt and despair -such was a prisoner life -they sank without a trace -the dark watch towers and sharp-tipped poles -blackening the sky -no one would care if a prisoner froze to death -but to them, it was a matter of life or death to them

  32. Michael Jeon
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    Motif: The Cold. Cold depicts a lot to darkness, coldness, hopelessness. Pointing to Stalin's dictatorship and hardships given to gulag prisoners.

    Everybody knows it as cold land.
    Darkness and cold hits the land.
    Light, is perceived as a rarity.
    Warmth, is felt only to the rich.
    The walls are very old. Dusty. Cold.
    Bread, plastics, sandals.
    Trust in scrounging abilities.
    Survival of the fittest.
    Truly, the cold brings down the great.
    I can't see the warmth.
    I can't see the light.
    But I sure do see Alyoshka.
    Telling me to see light,
    in a place where light is invisible.
    Telling me to feel warmth,
    when all I'm feeling is pain and ice.
    I am stuck in this cold wasteland.
    I hate this. I hate this.
    There is no light.
    But is there?

  33. Laura Santos
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    Motif: Working hard

    Shukhov never overslept.
    He was always up at the call.
    Shukhov always got up at once.
    Shukhov had a job to do.
    Shukhov wiped the floorboards,
    Leaving no dry patches.
    Shukhov, then was busy with his
    Two hundred grams, while the
    Rest of Gang 104 made themselves

  34. Laura Asencio
    House of the Spirits
    Motif: Hope

    Curled up in the darkness
    Visualize the happiest moments
    Breathed a sigh of relief
    Overcome by fear
    Don’t worry
    Keep her thoughts occupied
    Stop feeling sorry
    Heart knows no limit
    Risk her life
    Forgive me
    Rescue me
    Pooled their efforts
    Saving my life

  35. Magdaline Hurtado
    So Long a Letter- Mariama Bâ
    Motif: separation

    A break.
    I will not yield to it.
    I cannot.
    No union of bodies
    Without the heart's acceptance.
    Tumbled from the
    Highest rung....
    I find you despicable.
    Draw a line.
    None of his acts is pure.
    None is pure.
    I am stripping.
    I am stripping myself of
    Your love.

  36. Mabelle Sanchez
    House of the spirits
    Motif: Failing Love

    Madly in love as an adolescent
    Sooner or later she would come to love him
    His love for her had grown to become an obsession
    But reality was different
    She seemed to be flying in an airplane
    she was distracted; relaxed and simple, but absent
    His exaggerated love for her
    Was without doubt the most powerful emotion of his life
    She came to fear him, and she came to despise him.
    The more distant she became, the more he needed her love.
    But He did what He could to get close to her.
    She was neither affectionate nor seductive with him.
    He was of age when you need help and tenderness to make love
    He was old. He vented his rage on her.
    He lost control and struck her face.
    crying and begging her forgiveness
    She never spoke to her husband again.

  37. Emely Taveras
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

    The motif I chose is the freezing cold when the prisoners are working.

    It's cold and I'm sick
    I have no choice,
    there is no better way to heat myself.
    Hard job may heat me
    and probably make me forget my pain.
    Temperature freezes my fingers
    like hard cold stones.
    This is the best part of the day
    the cold is forgotten
    and time flies while working.
    Back into the bunks,
    along the heat,
    all the memories from home come again.
    May I resist them one more day
    and wait until my sentence is over?
    I know I will see my dear family again
    for, at least, One Day.

  38. Carmen A. Perez
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    Motif: The motif is the cold weather where Shukov often suffered throughout the development of the novel.

    There wouldn't be a warm corner for the whole month.
    Windows iced over
    Freezing lips, red nose
    In the dark, in the freezing cold, with a hungry belly
    Fingers were numb.
    The mist of the frosty air took your breath away.
    White cobwebs of frost all along the huge barracks
    The cold was fierce.
    Where would you get warm in a place like this?
    How? Where?
    Let your work warm you up, that was the only salvation.

  39. Elvis Sahad, "One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. Motifs: Coldness, Loneliness, Work.

    Surviving the bitter cold
    penetrating breezes that goes through your body
    sorrounds you on itself, makes you feel empty
    embrace the warmth that you see ahead
    it's way too far, it's only a dream
    separated by a precipice called work
    I can't hold myself, It's all cold
    The cold stings my body
    makes me feel one with it
    like it's part of my body
    freezing on the inside
    the coldest point of the night
    can even be seen with my eyes
    the keener cold
    open the door, let the light come in
    and with it, the cold
    like twins coming to you
    work is your only hope
    Surviving the bitter cold.

  40. Marlene Rodriguez

    The novel I chose was All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich M. Remarque. The motif i chose for this found poem is animal qualities showing how during the war, the soldiers have to become so numb and insenstive that their qualities turn animal-like.

    We reach the zone where the front begins

    And become on the instant human animals

    Meyer is dead,

    Max is dead,

    Beyer is dead,

    Hammerling is dead .

    It is a damnable business,

    But what has it to do with us now—we live.

    We can not burden ourselves with feelings which are out of place here.

    We want to live at any price

    We turn into animals when we go up to the line.

    By the animal instinct that is awakened in us

    We are led and protected.
