viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Summer Reading Blog Post #2

Drama! … Response Two (10 points)
**Remember - creativity and originality count in order to receive full credit for each response!  Your response should not be similar to any others posted by your classmates!**

First, list your novel’s title and the character on whom you will focus.  Then, select an event in the story that is crucial to the development of the plot. Choose one character’s opinion about the event and write about it in the form of monologue (one person talking to him or herself). Your monologue should be a minimum of ten lines long and the character chosen should be different from the character chosen for the first blog post.

41 comentarios:

  1. Alfredo Flores
    Mrs. Gracesqui
    World Literature
    07 August 2013
    Drama… Response Four

    The chosen book for this summer reading is Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich and the character being analyzed for this response is Alyoshka the Baptist.

    I have always found it quite annoying how some people get away with doing what is not correct. I have seen some who are told one thing and do the complete opposite even though they know they could get caught. However, that is not the case, since they rarely get caught. I have, who know how many times, seen Shukhov take extra bread and hide it in his bed, hide metals, leather belts and many other prohibited items. It is just unfair that he, who is not even consistent with his praying to God, can get away with all that. Shukhov cannot even sit still to listen to a commarade’s story. He has to go and interrupt his friend just because he wanted a cigar. Nevertheless, I try not to mind it since I do what is correct and always pray to God. That is right! I should not worry about others since they will one day have to atone for their sins. But in reality, Shukhov is neither an evil person nor one to cause harm to others. He just lacks discipline.

    I still remember that day at the Power Station when we had to apply the mortar to this insanely huge wall, which was covered in ice. It was frustrating that Gang 82 had decided to quit meaning it was all up to Gang 104. However, among all that stress and despair in which we were, there was a silver lighting, Shukhov. Yeah, I know I am probably going crazy but in truth, he did help out a lot. He even complemented my skills and said that he would love if all were as efficient as I was. I must confess that this made me feel happy and it even motivated me to continue working hard. It is difficult to believe that Shukhov was the one who bested us all and did a superb job. He even stayed for some time after the quitting signal had been given. Now that I think about it, I wonder why did he stay for extra time… Hmmm…. He could not have stayed to hide something. No, no. I refuse to believe that. I am probably just overthinking. I believe that at least for once he did the honorable thing and even went above-and-beyond. That is why I, Alyoshka, have determined that Shukhov is not entirely a lost cause, but he does have some aspects that need improvement.

  2. Timothy Seo, "One Day" by Solzhenitsyn, Ivan Denisovich Shukov.

    The scene I chose is the one when Shukov has found the little piece of metal right before being searched.

    ‘Ivan, son of Denisov, listen, it’s definitely not worth the risk. You should throw that away before being searched and be safe.. You have quite the reputation, would you destroy that by this one single act? You should very well know that if you go into that hol…..’
    ‘Pfft..! Nonsense! I still can’t believe you have that guy around! Am I not enough as your one and only conscience? Okay, sure, let’s say he has helped you out through many years. But he’s useless inside these walls! Have I not been your best choice for the last 9 years?! Vanya, you can definitely sneak that piece of metal through! You’re cunning enough! Think of the many uses we could give it later!’
    ‘Ivan, no. And what if one of the guards catches you WHILE you’re giving it one of those “many uses”? Your nearly-over sentence could double overnigh…..’
    ‘Listen to him blabbering nonsense again! Your cunning enough NOT to get caught during body search. Therefore, you’re definitely cunning enough not to get caught on action.’
    ‘But what if….’
    ‘Shut up! You with your IF’s! There’re no IF’s in this world! Getting tired of your (*censored) now! Vanya, listen to me, there’s ONE reason that I can give you for you not to give up on your “illegal” activities.’
    “What’s that?”
    “I’ll take the knife.”

  3. Cristina Chiang
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich: Ivan Denisovich Shukov

    The event chosen is when Shukov reports to sick bay at the beginning of the day.

    I cannot believe I still have this scorching pain since this morning. I do not quite know what it is though, the shivers maybe or perhaps a fever. I even dreamt about being sick; it was really weird. Ah, finally here. Sick bay is always so white, shiny, and clean. And warm compared to the white, cold snow outside. All the doctors’ doors are shut. I must be too early; they probably are not even out of bed yet. There must be a medical orderly on duty though. Finally, there is Kolya, but what is he doing? He seems to be scribbling something, writing maybe. Wow, his paper is so neat, all the lines are the same length and they are all one underneath the other. I do not think this is part of his work here though, that must be something else he does on the side. At last, his attention is on me. Why so late to report here, you ask? The pain did not start until this morning. Should I sit on the edge of the bench so that he does not think I am here to skip work while he takes my temperature? I should. I do not want to risk it; after all, I am not here to do so. It feels weird to be sitting so still in a clean, white room under such a bright light for five whole minutes. Ah, what a dream it would be to be sick for two or even three whole weeks. It would be so rewarding to finally be able to rest and sleep. Sadly though, for the others and me, the new doctor does not believe in resting. He firmly believes that working is the best medicine. What a lunatic! Everyone knows that work is not the cure. Work is what causes so many deaths. Oh! There goes the signal for work parade. I am neither sick enough to stay nor healthy enough to work. What should I do? If I stay, a doctor will look me up and decide if I am sick enough, but should I risk it? If he decides I am not sick enough, he might think I am pretending to be sick, just to escape work duty and send me to the hole. No one wants to go to the hole! Freezing to death in such weather with barely enough bread ration to survive does not sound like a pleasant ending for my stay here. I should go to work despite this constant ache. And off I go. I just hope I can survive this day and that this ache disappears soon.

  4. Laura Santos
    One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich: Alyosha the Baptist
    Event: towards the end of the day when Alyosha shares his faith with Ivan Denisovish

    Things are rough these days; I can’t believe I am still here. The only thing that keeps me alive is my faith in God; every time I read the bible, it fills me with peace and makes me forget. I like to tell spread the word to people who want to hear them. Ivan doesn’t like hearing the gospel, but I share it with him anyways. Ivan works hard everyday to survive this camp. One day of happiness I overheard Ivan thanking God for another day. He didn’t pray to him properly though. Why doesn’t he pray to him properly? God is faithful and he answers our prayers, but we have to pray and talk to him. Ivan prays for material goods, which he shouldn’t do. We should pray for spiritual goods and not earthly ones that will fade away and rot. I would like to show him how to pray and teach him the gospels. Life is so much easier when God is with you and he is learning about him. It’s sad that a few years have passed and his sentence is almost over for him to start learning and know more about God.

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Claudia Rubio
    The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende
    The character I chose is Miguel and the event is the election of the Candidate of the Socialist party.

    As I hear the news of the election of the new president, the leader of the Socialist party, my heart is consumed by bliss, but beneath bliss is a deep fear that touches the roots of my soul. I jump with joy, embracing those near me, those shouting that the fight is over, urging me to go join the people who march the streets. I knew this outcome was going to occur, and still it shocks me. I ponder about the Poet´s words, the man who had given zeal to the revolution, who had made words with perpetual power that made souls tremble and join. The candidate´s speeches filled with passion and locked up truth, and Pedro Tercero´s songs, which incited fire in the hearts of men and women alike. Oh, the power of politics. The power of submerging the whole country´s thoughts into the ideas of a party, of bringing rebellion to those who have lived suppressed their whole life, of opening eyes and preaching honey-soaked words about the ideal life that people yearn for. Tears streaming down faces, smiles that take over bodies, I place a placid expression on my face and maintain the façade of tranquility. I know this is a fleeting happiness. The Conservative Party will not let its power shatter that easily, and I know this election will release pandemonium in a way this remote country had never known before. The Conservatives must have gone ballistic when the news reached them, their relentless spirits spoiled but not suppressed. I know that the worst is yet to come, hand in hand with the Conservative party, and that sooner or later death will knock on the Socialist Party and the President´s door. However, I understand this information that lies hidden in everyone´s heart is not going to diminish the fire in their eyes and spirits, but will instead kindle a more exuberant celebration.

  7. Javier Lopez
    All Quiet on the Western Front
    Paul Baumer's Mom when he arrives home

    "I feel so sick and want my son to come over from the war. Oh, here he is, finally. I wonder what is going through his head right now and what he's feeling? What does he see over there? I don't know how he can see all those corpses and not be traumatized forever, I don't know how he can survive. As a mother, I don't sleep thinking about my son, thinking that he may die tomorrow, or that he may never comeback. Heinrich Bredemeyer told me that the war was terrible and my son denies it, I believe Heinrich because my son doesn't want me to worry about him, but I still worry obviously. In my last days of my life, I want to spend them as a happy family, but I can't. I wish life was as before when Paul was a child, I wish we were together all the time sharing our happy moments. I'm anxious to know what Paul is going through in the war and he won't tell me, this is making me more anxious. I love him so much, I saved a jar of whortleberries for him because he loves them so much and went through a lot of sacrifices. I hope he stays safe in the war.

  8. Jae Ha, Cho
    So Long a Letter by Mariama Bâ
    Character Chosen: Ramatoulaye Falls
    Event: when she hears from his husband’s friends about his second marriage

    At first when my husband’s best friends and the Imam have brought this horrible news, I could not believe that they said it in a jovial way. I acquiesced under the drops of poison that were burning me. I thought of his absence, and he just said to not expect him for lunch. How could I think that the absence of lunch was that he was marrying! Even though I had to control the turbulence in my inner side, so I talked with a smile to the friends and said to send Modou to be a good father and sent them away. Then I sparkled what was her name I forgot to ask, a little bit later I got the answer by my acquaintances came to my house. When I knew that she was my daughter’s best friend, and becoming my co-wife. She was only the age of my daughter, how could Modou buy dresses that I never got one. What about all that he is offering to her and her parents trip to Mecca, a villa, the monthly allowance that my daughter never got, I was angry every time I thought more about what he has done, but Daba who’s my daughter was furious that she said to me to break with him. As a mom I was really heartbreaking to hear that from my own beloved child, but after living twenty-five years with twelve children born from him it was not easy to make my decision. Even if I break up the more damage who gets it’s me, and I could not afford for my children, so I decided to stay with him.

  9. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    When Volkovoi is stripping the men's undershirts
    I love being hated and hating this is why I have always being a very bad person, which I find to be fun.This is my favorite time of the day when I get to bother these pesky prisoners and make them suffer. I have always like this, bothering and being horrible to people. First I will tell them to take off their clothes to check for stolen and extra items. I heard a prisoner shout to me I have no right to strip them off in the cold, he is totally wrong. I have all the right to do this and more. They are zeks, for all I care, they are worthless garbage to me, and they deserve no rights. They need to learn to suffer. Guards need to look for anything the prisoner has illegally to make them pay for stealing. I will check everyone to see anyway to punish these good for nothing prisoners. Anything the guards find against the rules the prisoners, they shall be punished by it. I would be happy to find any knife, extra garment, or stolen object so I can punish a prisoner.

  10. Joan Manuel Reyes
    So long a letter by Mariama Ba
    Character chosen: Modou
    Event: Modou wants to marry Binnetou

    I don’t know what am I thinking, I love my wife but also that beautiful lady, Binnetou. She is my daughter’s best friend. Binnetou and Daba usually get together very often. I have seen and talked to Binnetou many times and I can tell that she is a sweet girl. I would like to marry her but the problem is that, what is my daughter and my wife Ramatoulaye going to think if I tell them that I love Binnetou and want to marry her. I am pretty sure that I can do this but I would make my wife feel disappointed because she had never been agree with polygamy. I know that Binnetou’s parents want me to marry her; they have come to the point were they want her to leave education at the school so that she can marry me. I have a big decision to make because I do not want to disappoint Binnetou’s family but there is also Ramatoulaye and my twelve children to whom I don’t want to leave because, how are they going to get what they need since all their wealthy will pass to be part of my family’s side. What can I do? , this is driving me crazy…

  11. Daniela Rodriguez
    Mrs. Gracesqui
    World Literature
    23 August 2013
    One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich

    One more day to praise You oh Lord! After a long day working at the camp I have found the opportunity to keep praying to You, being persistent every day. To my surprise I over heard Shukov thanking You and I took advantage of the situation. From the many years I have served at the camp I have not heard Shukov one single time asking for your help. He told me about his prayers not being responded and I told him that one needs to be consistent but I doubt he really believed me. I acknowledge that conversations like these can go into different directions but I am glad I got it going. I believe I got Shukov thinking about what are his priorities and I made him realize that life is not all about the physical but the spiritual things. A harsh conversation took place when Shukov told me he wanted nothing but freedom, but I thought to myself and later explained to him, what is freedom if one cannot think about the soul? On that moment, success took place! Yes, finally priorities were being organized and from that moment on I can say I have made an impact.

  12. Jarnes Mustafa
    One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    My character chosen is Ivan Denisovich and the event occurs when Shukhov and Pavlo trick the Cook to give them two extra portion of gruel.

    Finally Dinner time, It's been a long day of work , but finally I can sit down and enjoy my supper. Although this time Pavlo and I aren't going that easy on the cook. If everything works right, we should be fine. Ah, I can smell the tasteless gruel full of "water and oats" (Solzhenitsyn 73). As soon as I entered I barged in and made my way to the cook to receive the bowls gruel.vFirst thing I heard from him was "Bowls! Bowls!", as I passed the bowls, which were passed forward as an attempt to speed up the process (Solzhenitsyn 67). As Pavlo told Gopchik to get the rest of gang 104 all I thought to myself was, "Let's get this going". Then the cook started handing bowls in pairs of two, all you heard was "Two, four, six" and the bowls being passed around to us by two and two. All I did was keeping a close count on the bowls making sure we had the right number and found the perfect time to Snatch the bowls. As soon as I saw they ran over bowls in the kitchen , I noticed the cook turning around the insult the dishwasher and I decided to act upon, I snatched the two bowls without anyone noticing and told Pavlo the count, which was 14 trying to fool the cook. I startled a little when the cook started to question my count. All I did was being assertive as a hope of trying to fool the cook telling him he never gave us bowl number 14 and 15. As he kept insisting that we had the bowls somewhere, I told him he could search and scrounge for the bowls. I told everyone to raise their bowls and the count started, and he couldn't find no hidden bowls. As my gang arrive to the mess hall, I felt an inner strength, like a surge of confidence flow through me. All I thought when I saw the cook growl and get a bit more irritated and enraged, was that we got this, and we escaped with the extra bowls of gruel just for us. The fool calmed down, the excitement and rush filled me with bliss as soon as he started to count from where he left again. "Sixteen, Eighteen" were joyful numbers to me, because they indicated I had success (Solzhenitsyn 70). As soon as he counted to twenty-three, he dismissed us to our table to eat. After that little encounter I had in the mess hall, I had a hunch that this day wasn't going to be a bad day after all.

  13. Jose Lorenzo Fermin
    All Quiet on the Western Front: Erich Maria Remarques
    The event that I select for my monologue is Paul Baumer`s arrival while his mom is dying of cancer

    Dear god please help me fight these days of misery. I’m here fighting for my life, I believe that Paul is doing the same thing. He does not know that I am sick but I would be happy to see him before I die. I am having all these question that demand answers, is he better off in the war? Is he still alive? Has he lost a limb? Until I see him these questions will never be answered, but in the end he never wants me to take care of him. Having person like Heinrich Bredemeyer telling me that war is the worst thing ever makes me think that I would never see my son. I would pay anything to be the family that we were when Paul was a kid. Finally he arrives home, but I believe that war has changed him because at the moment he just stands in front of me just looking at me. I am so happy to see my son alive but I believe he is not. War changes people even a son that was adorable, but I have to say something; Dear Paul, I have cancer.

  14. Response 2
    Carlos Gomez

    The book I chose is One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the character I will analyze is Ivan Denisovich Shukhov.

    It is cold. It is way too cold. My head hurts. Why do I have to wake up and go to work while I am feeling this horrible? I do not have the energy to even get out of bed. I think I will just stay here. At least, that is what I thought until the guard on duty threw me out of bed. How was I supposed to know that it was not the usual and kind guard that was going around? My luck is just too good. Turns out it was a different guard, one that was not at all kind. I tried explaining to him that my head was killing me but of course he thought I just wanted to skip work. Now I am here cleaning the floors of the officer’s headquarters. This day has just been so good... Stupid guards. But it could be worst. I could still be in “the hole” without the hope of getting out so I guess cleaning floors is not that bad. Anyways, I am almost done and once I finish I can go have some food. Of course, that is if my comrades left me any. My head is killing me. I should probably go to the sick bay and report my condition. That way I can miss some work and hopefully get some treatment. Yeah, that sounds nice. That is what I will do. I will speed up and cut a couple of corners here in order to finish quickly. Cleaning, done. Now I go on to eating. Food, please be there. Hopefully, I won’t get a hard time when I go to sick bay… hopefully.

  15. Suah An
    All Quite on the Western Front

    The character I chose is Kantorek and the event is when he went to the district commandant with his student.

    I went to the district commandant with my entire class. I know my students think I am very haughty person but since I am a teacher, I couldn’t ignore my students to go wrong way. I just want them to be stronger than other, and they are not child anymore. And I know one’s their parents call them ‘coward I feel so sad when I heard it. To convince the students I speak to them about patriotic duty before we got to the district commandant and asked them “Won’t you join up, comrades?” The student didn’t think earnestly about it but only Behm was halting to join. Behm always looks carefree so I want him to be earnest person. If anything should occur to them, they will think it’s my fault but I wish all my students survive to the last from the war and I will always pray for them.

  16. Nashly Nunez
    The House of Spirits
    Character: Clara Trueba

    Not every person has the same personality in this world and its said to know how other people can be so cruel. My husband, Esteban, has no respect towards other people, like the Native Americans. This is very wrong because everyone should be respected as humans. I disagree completely with his attitude. I say that a person should be treated with respect and love. You should always care for others and never mistreat them because of their race or color. He should think about how his treatment affects others’ lives he should put himself in their shoes. Could he imagine being mistreated and not being able to do or say anything about it? I just don’t understand him I cannot be this way; I believe in justice and fairness. They are humans not animals it is obvious that if you learn how to care for others they will then care for you as well.

  17. Karla Abreu
    The House of the Spirits
    Characters: Esteban Trueba

    I don’t understand how Clara and Blanca are against my treatment to Native Americans. I really think that they should support my idea. They should only live to work. Native Americans don’t have rights; we Americans do have rights to do whatever we desire in life. Clara and Blanca don’t understand where there is no love in the family there is hate and anger. This is how I am. This is the way I will always be and I will always dislike Native Americans. They are to blame for what has happened in my family. Clara should know! It is their fault she will no longer talk to me. If they had stayed out of my life, and in their places, Clara and I would never have had any problems, and my Blanca would still be here with the family. They have destroyed my life and damaged my family. They do not deserve to live. That is why Pedro Tercero someday soon will pay for the hurt he has caused my family. The Native Americans are the reason my family has fallen apart.

  18. Maria Jose Ulloa
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    Character: Ivan Denisovich

    The event I chose is at the beginning of the story where Shukhov doesn’t wake up to reveille because he was not feeling well .

    Since yesterday I have been feeling so sick. I’ve been feeling “feverish with pains all over [my] body” and reveille just sounded (Solzhenitsyn 4). I could barely sleep. The temperature is really low and I couldn’t keep myself warm at all! I could not feel my fingers, neither my feet. They were numb. I was shaking uncontrollably the whole night. I just wish I could have a little more time to sleep. Today should be a day to relax, but honestly, I don’t think these people know the meaning of that word.
    I don’t consider myself being in the right conditions to wake up with this fever; plus, the fact that I thought an hour ago that I was getting seriously ill and that I was going to die. How can I keep living like this? I been wishing all night for the morning to never come, but apparently it didn’t work. It ‘s just so hard to put my head up from this cozy blanket and coat. I prefer the pillows I had at home, even though I can barely remember them, but at least I have something. I can’t see anything with my face buried on this, but I can hear “the heavy tread of the orderlies carrying one of the big barrels of excrement along the passage outside [and] some of the 75th slamming bunches of boots onto the floor from the drying shed” (Solzhenitsyn 5). They woke up on time, unlike me, and I really don’t want to get up! I am dying for a day off because I seriously feel as if “every limb was out of joint” (Solzhenitsyn 5).

    Also, I wonder who’s on duty today? I really hope it is Ivan. If it ‘s him I will be able to lie here a little longer or maybe I can just go to sickbay. Yes! Sickbay! That’s where I’m going. Hopefully I can rest a little bit and get better from these ”nagging pains” (Solzhenitsyn 39).

  19. Ina Yoo
    One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich – Alexander Solzhenitsyn
    Ivan Denisovich

    The scene is the beginning part when Ivan is sick and can’t wake up.

    I don’t feel the same as the other days. Am I dreaming? I heard the sound that makes us wake up but now, I am trying to wake up but I just can’t. This is the first time that happens to me. I never imagined this happening to me. Should I just stay like this? No… then the guard will come and punish me. But wait… I was always the first one to wake up and he will understand me if even though I just stay like this. He is a very fair man. He will understand me. Yes. What? He wasn’t? Wait… where did my blanket go? What? They are giving me a punishment for not waking up on time? Wait… it’s not him! It was not the guard that usually came to our room. He was another guard. Now… I’ll have to clean the room. Should I go to the doctor? I seriously can’t work like this. What should I do? Okay. I will go to the doctor. What? I heard that my fever was not high enough to rest. Today is just not my day. What should I do now? Do I have to go to work like this? With this condition? Should it be possible to work? Should I just stay in my bed? No. I’m just going to my work.

  20. Rosia Bermudez
    One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
    Scene: Ivan cleaning and the guards treat him bad.

    I cant believe it. Why do people have to be like that. Here am I, in the floor trying to get their floor clean while all the do is talk bad. Im dying of hunger. Its cold. Even with hunger here am I trying to do my job the best way I can. I cant believe the difference there is here. People just judge others. They don't care what are they going through they just think about themselves. I do my work just how I should and in the end I receive nothing. Life isn't fair. I just go to put up with it. Life goes on. Even though Im doing them something for their good, they just come and treat me with a huge disrespect. In the end I am glad I am not like them.

  21. Gabriel Fernandez
    All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque
    The "fair-Haired Recruit in utter terror" (61)

    The bomb shells land everywhere. I look to my left for a second and a sudden burst appears. I look to my right, and an even bigger one appears. I turn and see my fellow recruits in agony. They scream and yell in the torment that is pain. As I turn around and look forward, I see at least three men dead, in more than three pieces. This is the moment in which I drop down to my knees. All this death surrounding me. Destruction everywhere I look. My head drops. I have barely enough time to get my hands under me. I feel my helmet slip off, but at this time I don't really care. I hear some screaming, which surprises me considering my head was so close to the ground. I am in so much shock that while I'm in this bowing position, a soldier places something on my buttocks. Explosions continue. Noise. Dirt. Fear. I am frozen. I have become one with the destruction. My life hangs in the balance.

  22. Randy Dominguez
    One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich
    Scene: Where the novel opens to Ivan struggling to wake up because he's sick.

    Man, I'm exhausted from last night. It's past the time that I usually wake up. Whats this sort ache I'm feeling? Why is my head hurting this bad? Why do I feel the morning came too quick. Out of all days, I wish it had never came. I better get up now, or else... the guards! No, the guards will punish me! Cmon' Ivan, get up, you have to. I'm trying but my body isn't letting me. I just heard the bell that its time to work. Wait, since I'm always up early regularly. The guards always notices me when I'm awake, therefore... the guards may not even give me any consequences and let this dark morning past by. I possibly may be dreaming, is it? Is it all a dream? About a hour and a half just past by. My body is still aching to the point I'm hearing everything, but I can't wake up. As if I'm living my soul outside my body. Somebody has to wake me up, anyone? Is there anyone who can shake me and wake me up? I have helped some of you "stitch covers for mittens from a piece of old lining" (Solzhenitsyn). Or even the clean up the "mess [of] stack bowls and carry them to the washers-up" (Solzhenitsyn). Somebody, anyone... wake me up... NOW!

  23. Rosa Lee
    All Quiet on the Western Front- Erich Maria Remarque
    Character- Katczinsky
    Scene- Death of Paul's last friend

    This battle is so exhausting, for how long is it going to last? So many men die, and it puts me sick. Why must I sleep? I’m going to wake up to kill people again. I must live to be the conscience of many men, teach them some techniques like; not over eating. Many have gone insane but I believe there is still hope out there, somewhere. In the midst of all of this I feel lonely, all of my friends are dying one by one. Oh…. And there goes another one, Müller; I cannot believe that Müller is down. I see Paul running towards Müller in haste, trying not to be caught. Paul receives the boots Müller had received from Kemmerich. For the slightest second I wish I were in Müller shoes, dying and leaving Earth. I throw away those thoughts and try to stay conscientious. I tell the boys a story of an event that had happened in the doctors, hoping that would keep them intrigued and make them forget about the problems for at least a second. Then, reality hits me like a tsunami, we have a high chance of losing anyways. As I go towards Paul, I spot the American and British soldiers feasting on food, actual food! Oh! How much I wish to have some too. Even though I don’t want to live, that does not mean I’m not hungry, so I get some food for Paul and me. I get some good, enough to share, so I trot back to Paul with much glee. Then, I feel a new sensation, a burning sensation that I had been longing for. It was time; my life in Earth was finally over. What can I do? I must leave Paul behind, my friend, no my brother, so I share my last moments with him. This is it, we now go our separate ways and…..

  24. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque
    Character Chosen: Company Commander
    Scene: When he was calling Second Company and there were very few soldiers left.

    Oh man! This can’t be it. Only thirty-two men left? We started out with one-hundred-and-fifty soldiers. Now we have thirty-two. Unbelievable. This war will end our lives. I am the Company Commander, I should be the toughest, but I cannot even talk correctly. It is horrible having to work with them and see them die, and see the others suffering somebody else’s death. I would wish this to any of the younger generations of this world. Nobody deserves it. We should just give everything to the enemy and stop the killing. What am I thinking? That is not the attitude a Company Commander should have. But what If it was my son dying here in war? I would not have like that. Or what if it was my son dying and I was his company commander? That would be worse. I should have not let these men die. I am responsible for all these deaths. What will life be in the future? Will I make it out? My soldiers will hate me, and then they will kill me. Forget about this, you are a strong man, and you will get out of this one perfectly fine. This is what I signed up to. Nothing will make me go back now. I have shaped my life with this war, and it is not changing, at least not now. I have become part of this war, and I will finish this being part of it.

  25. Gabriela Fabian
    So Long a Letter
    When Mawda is at Modu’s funeral
    I can’t believe at this age Modu is gone. He is actually gone and I was not able to heal you, I failed by not saving him. So many years of studying, researching and finding new cures to save other people’s lives. Was it really worth it all those years saving other people’s lives but at the end failing to save the life of my own best friend, my brother?
    As he gets closer to the coffin without touching it, just staring at Modu.
    I’ve let you and your family down, Modu please forgives me brother. It kills me to see your family suffer, your mother and Binnetou cry hysterically, your twelve children are hurt as well, however, it is evident the one who suffers the most is Ramatouaye she has not shed one tear, her soul is still in shock. She tries to be strong in front of everyone but she can’t fool me I know her heart is drenched with sadness; Sometimes I wonder if I’ve done something wrong and Allah is punishing me, first my mother forces me to marry another women causing the Aissatou the women I truly love to ask for divorce and leave with my children to another country. Now you my brother, my dear friend have left me in this world. Oh! Modu, wherever you are may Allah forgive you.

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  27. Camila Hahn Ceara

    The chosen book for the summer reading is All Quiet In The Western Front by Erich Remarque. The character being analyzed for this response is Paul Bäumer during the horrible lost of his comrade Franz Kemmerich.

    He is gone. Nineteen and a half years old and dead because of a small wound. Death is something that comes naturally in this atmosphere. It is meaningless. Yet, I do not seem to grasp this particular situation. Kemmerich was one of my classmates and one of my comrades in the war. Now he is simply gone. I experienced how “this atmosphere of carbolic and gangrene clogs the lungs, it is a thick gruel, it suffocates” (Remarque 29). The doctors at sight are as insensible as war itself. Death is so normal and common to them they do not even hitch at the presence of it. These men have lost or purposely erased the concept of feelings. They had no time to feel compassion towards any injured soldier. Neither do they have the time to feel sorry for those who are lost. War is brutal and very real. In this type of environment you must become numb and forget about feelings. With all the legitimate awful things that occur on a daily basis in this place, feelings are not an option. I learned something about war in the toughest way: hard and sad things are just real; they cannot become a reason to feel. For now I just know “the night lives, I live,” but Kemmerich is gone (Remarque 33). What is war going to leave me with? What have I become? I do not even feel anymore. We all are getting “destroyed by war,” not only the ones who die (Remarque).

    Aunty Nabou saw so little of me and because of that she never accepted me. I compromised because I love my husband, Mawdo. She always judged me because I was not of women of her tradition. When Aunty Nabou came back from her trip she brought a young girl named Nabou. It was strange, but I made her feel right at home. Nabou got in to many good schools and her young little life was going great. I kept this way cause I didn’t suspect Aunty Nabou’s trap. As the girl grows older and going by the traditions of her adopted mother, Aunty Nabou, Mawdo told me his mother had convinced him of marrying Nabou. My heart sank. I didn’t suspect any of this and everyone else knew about it. I had sleepless nights, with confused thoughts. I felt the shame of Mawdo not fighting back cause he wanted to please his mother. Where was the promises of marriage and love were gone. Everything Mawdo invested in his home with his children and me remained a thought of confusion. It felt unfair how Aunty Nabou degraded my honor because she felt that her pride and traditions were much higher. Then, I came to understand that Mawdo did his duty in his mother’s eyes. I couldn’t put up with this injustice, so I wrote a letter explaining how I can’t live in a life without happiness. I will never exchange my happiness with you for your mother’s pride. I explained to him that his decisions were taken and that is what drew me away from him. That night I left in tears, but I had the courage to take a life on for my own.

  29. Alexandra Rodriguez
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    Character: alyoksha
    Scene: putting up blocks and Ivan needs help

    I don't understand why everyone has to be asked to do something. If there's help needed from another and they ask for it then one should try their best to help them out. As God speaks to me through the holy bible and expresses ' do not neglect to do good and to share what you have for such sacrifices are pleasing to God' therefore everyone else should not mind doing favors for others if in the end we are pleasing the almighty God. We're all in this horrible hell hole but in the end it's going be worth it because God does great things to those who follow his footsteps. Ivan was is in need of help due to the pain in his back and need per assistance of lifting the blocks. Someone who doesn't have that ache and is all healthy should go and help the other that has that disadvantage. Gods commandment is to love other as he loves you. I'll give my helping hand to anyone as God does with me and that's how everyone should. I don't comprehend the other that are standing around doing nothing when they could be putting themselves to work.

  30. -Charles Medina -One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich -Ivan Denisovich -Scene:Ivan hiding the piece of bread in his matress. -I finally put the piece of bread in the matress. -Would they feel the piece of bread in the matress? -Would it give off an oder to the guards? -Will they put me in the cells if caught? -Would they put Buinovsky in the cells? -I better pray they don't ask my cellmates -Would they confess if asked? -Could someone have saw me and ate it? -I better act quickly, or else I'm screwed

  31. Michael Jeon
    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    Alyosh(k)a the Baptist

    Hmm. Ivan is praying.
    He prays as a weak person with not much to give.
    Why is he praying like that?
    He should understand that a once in a lifetime prayer,
    is not to be answered with certainty.
    He is too negative, sounds too negative, acts too negative.
    Under God, I doubt negativity is a great way to talk to Him.
    If he at least gave a try for improvement.
    Just a little, would help his mentality completely.
    Help him understand the good, and be gracious.
    I should tell him.
    He should understand that.
    He gets caught on his hiding stash, what can give him motivation?
    Better now I guess.

  32. Laura Asencio
    House of the Spirits

    When I sit down and think to myself about this place I am living in, I feel ashamed. This place is like jail. People have no right to freedom of speech. I am against this government and I want to do everything possible to get them out of power. I am afraid that I would not be able to do this. I cannot do this alone. People support my ideas even though it is risky because they know what lies ahead if we are able to overthrow the current government. We all need freedom. That is a word that we need to be able to feel. It is a right for people. What I desire the most is to see this beautiful country high in standards, but everything is in ruins now. I know that I should take the next step, but if people leave me alone? Will I be able to motivate them to come along with me? This sometimes worries me so much that I cannot sleep. I have so many sleepless night that it is useless to keep count. I know that I risk to being with Alba because her grandfather is in favor of this government, buy I love her o much that I cannot leave her, but before her I need to make things right, if people want freedom, that is what I will give them.

  33. Magdaline Hurtado
    So Long a Letter- Mariama Bâ
    Madou's death
    Ramatoulaye talking and struggling to herself.

    As I sat and watched Modou laying in his coffin, my mind could not stop rumbling. "I love him. I loved him. I love him. I loved him," were the phrases that kept repeating in my head like I were picking the petals off a flower. I truly wasn't sure what to think. Then again came the rambling... "He was my everything. He betrayed me. He was my everything. He betrayed me." Modou... If only. If only you respected me, as I respected you. We would both be gleaming with our beautiful children. Now that your gone, of course I have a weight lifted off my shoulders but, is that really the solution to this all. My heart is still in pieces and I believe only you could fully help it recover. Actually, to be sincerely honest, I am happy your gone. My life can now start with a new beginning. It will be exciting and I will be in control just like Aissatou. She is my current inspiration on how to continue being a strong and independent women. We do not need disrespectful men holding us back. My children are what's most important to me. I now need to provide for them and be their hero. This is now what I stand for.

  34. Mabelle Sanchez
    House of the Spirits
    Esteban Trueba

    I have to fix this old place and give it life. All these people living in hunger and fear and desperation they are just so ignorant. I have to make them work for their living so that they can know that nothing will just be giving to them. I will begin by fixing the house I grew up and make them help me. I will give them to eat so that they can be motivated. I will probably work my butt off so that they can learn how to survive. I have to have an organized plan because I will make Tres Maria better like when my dad ran this place. This will be a new beginning for them but I have to be in eye in case they take advantage of me. I have to show them who is the patron now and help them grow in becoming civilized people who can read and talk. I hope this helps me forget of Rosa the only reason I was living for but now I have to help what used to be a well known place.

  35. Carmen A. Perez
    One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich
    Scene: When Ivan was trying to clean the floor and the guards where being mean.

    Today I woke up and went right into work, I was washing the floor under the table of some guards who where just relaxing. I was trying to do the my best of scraping the floor when suddenly I hear the voice of a guard shouting, "Hey there you slob, take it easy" (11) while he pulled one of the chairs beside me and put his feet on top of the chair. I didn't understand why he had called me slob or why he had shouted at me. Anyways that didn't seem enough for them, right away one of the other guards shouted, "how much water are you going to use, idiot." (11) in that moment I felt really bad, there I was trying to do my job the best I could and the only thing I heard were offensive words from the guards, instead of a "thank you for doing your job", which I think the word thank you doesn't even exist in their dictionary. I even thought of what gave them the right to call me those offensive names, and why would they do that? But since I was just one of their prisoners who was almost dying of hunger, and almost numb of the coldness I felt from the freezing weather I just smiled and said,"I'll never get it clean otherwise, citizen chef. It's thick with mud."(11) I don't get it how they can be so offensive and be happy about it, it's so cruel and uncompassionate, but what can I do? i can only deal with it and know that life isn't fair.

  36. Emely Taveras
    One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
    Ivan Denisovich

    Event: When Alyoshka the Baptist was telling Shukhov about his prayers.

    I don't know what's wrong but today was a very tough day. The temperature was very low and we had a lot of work but. Some part of me wants to make a prayer but I don't see any sense of it anymore. All my prayers are "denied". Just like when we send letters to the office. It's hard to keep praying for my sentence to get lower but there is no way of getting some response from that "God" Alyoshka calls his. According to this guy, I just need to pray for my daily bread and my spiritual growth but, what for? This people give me food everyday as long as I do my job. To be honest, I feel empty sometimes. I know I'm missing something because I see the years come and go and I still find no sense of this sentence. Alyoshka prays everyday, reads the Gospels and his time in prison will still be the same. No matter what you do or say, this sentence will never be lower. I know there is something bigger than me up in heaven but, if "He" is actually there, why he never answers my prayers? Am I hated by "Him" or I just haven't learn enough? Sometimes I wish I had the faith Alyoshka has but that simply doesn't comes out of my heart. I don't know if it will make any difference to pray and not to.

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  38. Elvis Sahad, "One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Character used for this response is Ivan Denisovich Shukhov.

    The Scene I choose is the one when Ivan went to see the Doctor.

    Finally I am on my way to see the Doctor, I can't hold my body any longer, I feel like I will fall to the floor in any second, with each step I can feel my head breaking apart. The breeze sorrounds my body, embracing it in bitter cold and emptiness. I hope I can stay there and stop working atleast for a while, it's very cold
    outside and I feel this pain on my head, it's killing me, I can't wait.

    Now I am here on the Sick Bay, can't even see through the windows and can't hear the roll call, but atleast I am not on the snow and I can see the Doctor. I can't wait to hear those words telling me to stop working, to stay at the guardhouse. I am not lazy but nothing can be done when you feel like your head is about to explode and the deep cold inside your body.

    What!, I must be dreaming or something, it's not possible that they won't let me stay because I am missing less than one degree, Am I not sick enough for them? They can't understand what I am going through right now, I am working out there, on the frost cold while they are inside this place drinking coffee, it's not fair. What have I done in order to deserve this? What should I do now? I can't hold those freezing breezes any longer, I can't even hold my own body and they want me to work? What kind of people thinks like that? I am dying slowly from the inside out.

  39. Marlene Rodriguez

    The title of my novel is All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich M. Remarque. The character I will be focusing on is Paul Bäumer.

    The scene I chose is when Bäumer kills the french man Gerard Duval in chapter nine.

    My whole life I have been taught that the people we are fighting against are our enemies wanting to kill us. They told us that they are evil and that they want to hurt us so we grew to hate them when actually, we are no different from them. Before I saw this man I killed as a soldier, now I see him as merely human just like the the rest of us. I killed this man, so vulnerable looking, with the same fear of death that we all have, with the ability to suffer the same pain and the same agony as I.

    I cannot seem to forgive myself. I killed a man with a mother who misses him just as mine does, and friends and family anxiously waiting for his return. I am the reason his wife will never receive another letter from him and the reason his loved ones will never see him again. How do you forgive yourself after something like this? i just can't, but I can fight against this. In this pointless war, we are pawns in a political game of chess, powerless, and with no actual idea of what we are fighting for. I cannot live with myself knowing that I have killed The printer, Gerard Duval, a family man, and that I have done nothing to stop this war that has taken his life and my innocence. I will fight to stop this.
