viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 30

Work day in Elementary Computer Lab - let me know if you have any questions about the notes pages that are due Monday

HW-First Binder Check

AP World Lit Class Activities for Jan 30

Sample Concept Map created for biographical analysis of Les Mis incorporating research - get notes from a classmate

Sample Preliminary Thesis and Topic Outline created from Sample Concept Map - get notes from a classmate

Topic Outline handout distributed and discussed - pick up your copy from the class folder - this may be used for your outline, or yours may be typed.

HW-Preliminary Thesis and Topic Outline

viernes, 23 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 23

How to Guide for Internet Research handout - pick up yours from the class folder

Individual work time for Working Bibliography and conferences about Preliminary Topic Statements finished

HW-Working Bibliographies due Jan 27

AP World Lit Class Activities for Jan 23

Working Bibliographies returned - pick yours up from the class folder

First Binder Check questions answered - see me if you have any

Fact vs. Opinion activity

HW-First Binder Check - Jan 29

jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 22

Reading Notes, Brainstorming, and Preliminary Topic Statements turned in

Working Bibliography requirements reviewed - see the timeline on the back of the Research Paper Assignment

Searching on EBSCO and Google Scholar reviewed - get notes from a classmate or see me for questions

How Do I Cite That? handout reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder

HW-Working Bibliography due Jan 27

AP World Lit Class Activities for Jan 22

Working Bibliographies turned in

Notes Pages Instructions reviewed - see your Research Paper Organizer handout - check with me for any questions

Bib Cards/Note Cards Instruction - get notes from a classmate

First Binder Check requirements reviewed - see the timeline on the back of your Research Paper Assignment handout

HW-first binder check Jan 29

martes, 20 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 20

Working Bibliography overview - pick up your copy of the handout from the class folder and get notes from a classmate.  See me about any questions you may have.

Note: Class on Thursday and Friday will be held in the Elementary Computer Lab - go straight there for class.

HW-reading notes, brainstorming, and Preliminary Topic Statement (20 points)

viernes, 16 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 16

What is research? - get notes from a classmate

Research Paper Organizer and Topics handout reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder, set up your binder, and let me know if you have any questions

HW-read novel/play for RP

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 15

In-class reading for research paper

HW-read novel/play for research paper, bring binder for RP, revised testimony emailed Friday

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 14

Grammar Sent #29 - check with a classmate for corrections - quiz will be Monday

In-class reading for Research Paper

HW-read novel/play for research paper, optional testimony revisions due via email by Friday

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 12

Grammar #28 - check with a classmate for corrections

In-class reading of novel or play for research paper

HW-read novel/play, optional testimony revision (for publishing) due Friday (20 point optional assignment) - see me about any questions

viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 9

Grammar #27 - check with a classmate for corrections

Reading Comprehension Strategies discussed - pick up your copy of a handout from the class folder

Reading Comprehension Mind Map explained - pick up your copy from the class folder - this (or another form of note-taking for the novel) will be due the same day as the Preliminary Topic Statement - Jan 22

HW-read novel/play for research paper

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 8

Research Paper Assignment given and reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder and see me for questions

Library to select books - your book needs to be chosen from those available for the project as soon as possible

HW-read novel/play

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015

Class Activities for Jan 7

Grammar Sent #26 - pick up your copy from the class folder and get corrections from a classmate

Testimonies returned and discussed - pick up yours from the class folder

Portfolio Review - completed chart for pieces written in first semester.  You chart will need to be completed and turned in when you return to school

Pieces written are:
Oedipus Reflection
Modern Tragedy
Persuasive Speech
Les Mis Historical Analysis

HW-Portfolio Chart