miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for May 13

Exam will be portfolio based! :)

Pick up your copy of the Portfolio Project handout from the class folder and you Worldview Comparative Essay

HW-Portfolio Prep

AP World Lit Class Activities for May 13

Exam will be portfolio based! :)

Pick up your copy of the Portfolio Project handout from the class folder and you Worldview Comparative Essay

HW-Portfolio Prep

World Lit Class Activities for May 12

Reading Circle Discussion of Life Lessons - pick up your copy of the handouts from the class folder and complete and turn in the 3-2-1

HW- :)

AP World Lit Class Activities for May 12

Reading Circle Discussion of Life Lessons - pick up your copy of the handouts from the class folder and complete and turn in the 3-2-1

HW- :)

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for May 11

Life Lessons in Literature Activity - Part I - worked in groups to determine life lessons in Things Fall Apart and So Long a Letter and find textual support for them to prepare for a discussion in class tomorrow

Turned in books - be sure to get your books turned in to me this week

HW - :)

AP World Lit Class Activities for May 11

Life Lessons in Literature Activity - Part I - worked in groups to determine life lessons in Things Fall Apart and House of the Spirits and find textual support for them to prepare for a discussion in class tomorrow

Turned in books - be sure to get your books turned in to me this week

HW - :)

viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for May 1

So Long a Letter Reading Quiz - see me to schedule a time to make this up

Social Injustice Character Portraits presented

HW-WV Comp Paper due May 8

AP World Lit Class Activities for May 1

Trueba on Trial - Part II completed

WV Comp Paper Outlines returned - pick up yours from the class folder

HW-WV Comp Paper due May 8 (if taking an AP test - due May 11)

jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for April 30

So Long a Letter Worldview Chart completed - pick up your copy from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

Worldview Comparative Paper Assigned - pick up your copy of the assignment and see me for any questions

HW-SLL Reading Quiz tomorrow, WV Comp Paper outline due tomorrow

lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for April 27

Grammar Sent #51 - pick up your copy from the class folder and get corrections from a classmate

So Long a Letter - in-class reading

HW-SLL chpts 15-21

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for April 24

Senegal WebQuest - complete your notes and show them to me when you return to school for a completion grade

HW-SLL chpts 10-14

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for April 23

So Long a Letter - introduced and distributed - pick up your copy from the file tray with the class folder

Senegal WebQuest distributed and explained - pick up your copy from the class folder and see me about any questions

HW-SLL - chpts 1-9

AP World Lit Class Activities for April 23

House of the Spirits Reading Circle - pick up your copy of the discussion questions from the class folder and see me about scheduling a time to make this up

HW-prepare for Reading Circle part 2

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for April 22

Things Fall Apart Character Worldview Chart completed - pick yours up from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW- :)

AP World Lit Class Activities for April 22

House of the Spirits reading quiz - see me to schedule a time to make this up

Reading Circle discussion questions identified

HW-prepare for Reading Circles on Thursday and Friday (15 points each)

martes, 21 de abril de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for April 21

Read and color coded Hubert Harrison's "The Black Man's Burden" - read it

here http://www.houseofalkebulan.com/The_Black_Man_Hubert_Henry_Harrison.pdf

and get theme statement from a classmate - also identify connections to Things Fall Apart

Revisited statements from Anticipation Guide Activity "Kola Nut Conversations" and reviewed the end of the semester reading and writing assignments - see me if you have any questions

HW-TFA Cultural Analysis

AP World Lit Class Activities for April 21

Neruda's "And How Long?" color coded and connected to The House of the Spirits - pick up your copy from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

The House of the Spirits - Family Tree - get notes from a classmate, and Question and Answer - let me know if you have any questions from the reading

HW-HotS by tomorrow, reading quiz

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for April 20

Kipling's "The White Man's Burden" color coded and discussed - pick up your copy from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

Kipling/Achebe/the Bible - comparative chart completed for views of "Other Nations" - get notes from a classmate

Things Fall Apart Cultural Analysis assignment given and reviewed - due April 22 - pick up your copy from the class folder

HW-Cultural Analysis due April 22

jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for April 16

Grammar Quiz - Sent #50 and turned in #46-49 - see me to schedule a time to make this up

Things Fall Apart Quotation Analysis - pick up your copy from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Things Fall Apart Chapts 23-25, reading quiz - Chpts 20-25

AP World Lit Class Activities for April 9

AP Essay responses evaluated - see me to schedule a time to review these if you would like to do so.

HW-House of the Spirits read by April 22

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for April 8

Reading Quiz - Chpts 9-19 - see me to schedule a time to make this up

Proverbs Activity Part 2 - Ibo Proverbs vs. Biblical Proverbs handout completed - pick up yours from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Things Fall Apart Chpts 20-22, grammar quiz - sent #50, reading quiz on Friday

AP World Lit Class Activities for April 8

AP Multiple Choice Practice - Individually completed sections on a poem and a passage and checked answers as a class - discussed those that were missed

HW-House of the Spirits by April 22

World Lit Class Activities for April 7

Grammar #49 corrected - check with a classmate for corrections - grammar quiz will be on Thursday

Ibo Proverbs Activity Part I - groups depicted an Ibo proverb and found a Biblical proverb to compare to it

HW-Things Fall Apart - Chapters 17-19, Quiz on Chpts 9-19 tomorrow

AP World Lit Class Activities for April 7

Academic Terms and Verbs to Enrich Analytic Writing handouts distributed - pick up your copies in the class folder

AP Multiple Choice Practice - completed questions on a a passage from fiction in pairs

HW-House of the Spirits read by April 22

lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for April 6

Grammar #47 & #48 - check corrections with a classmate

Things Fall Apart Character Relationship Chart - pick up your chart from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-TFA - Chpts 14-16

AP World Lit Class Activities for April 6

AP Test Practice - reviewed one section of multiple choice section

HW-House of the Spirits read by April 22

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 27

Reading Quiz - see me to schedule a time to make this up after break

Okonkwo and Ikemefuna vs. Abraham and Isaac Venn Diagram - get notes from a classmate

HW-TFA Chpts 9-13 and have a safe, fun Spring Break!

AP World Lit Class Activities for March 27

Analyzed Hubert Harrison's "The Black Man's Burden" and compared it to Matt 22:36-40 - pick up your copy from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

Copies of The House of The Spirits distributed for those who want to begin reading over Spring Break - pick up your copy from me after break.

HW-Have a good, safe Spring Break!

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 26

Ibo Culture Festival - pick up your Festival Map from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Chtps 7-8, quiz on Chpts 1-8

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 23

Introduced Things Fall Apart - discussed themes of the book

Books and student packets distributed - pick up yours from the class folder

HW-Chpts 1-2

AP World Lit Class Activities for March 23

Finished Cultural Presentations - get notes from a classmate

Venn Diagram comparing Okonkwo and Ikemefuna to Abraham and Isaac - get notes from a classmate

There will be a Reading Circle on Wednesday - students needs to come prepared with 5 discussion questions that will be turned in

HW-novel ready by Wednesday

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 20

Reviewed Poetry Anticipation Guide - recheck and let me know if you have any questions that were not answered in the unit

Writing Political Poetry RAFT - completed in groups - see me about making this up

HW-Poetry Reading Response #2

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 19

Modern Political Poem Analysis - completed chart to analyze a modern poem - pick up your chart from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Poetry Reading Response #2 - pick up yours from the class folder

AP World Lit Class Activities for March 19

"Kola Nut Conversations" Part II - explained Ibo proverbs in the novel and compared them to Biblical proverbs - pick up your handout of the proverbs and get notes from a classmate

HW-presentations tomorrow, TFA read by March 25

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 18

Group work to complete Analyzing Imagery handout for "Thought of Hanoi" - pick up your copy from the class folder 

HW-Modern Political Poem (published after 1900) printed out for class tomorrow

AP World Lit Class Activities for March 18

Pair work on TFA Cultural and Background Presentations

Presentations are now due on Friday, Research Papers are on 3rd quarter, Poetry Commentaries will be on 4th quarter

HW-Presentations on Friday, 3/20, TFA read by March 25

martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 17

Grammar Quiz - Sent #45 - see me to schedule a time to make this up, and turn in Sent #41-44

Middle Eastern and Asian poetry - Color-coded and analyzed symbolism and imagery in Amchai's "Ein Yahav" - get notes from a classmate

HW-Have a modern political poem (written in 1900 and forward) for Thursday - must be printed out

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 16

New Seating Chart for 4th Quarter

Neruda's "Maldicion" compared to English translation and analyzed for word choice - analyzing Voice and Diction chart completed - pick your copy of this and the Spanish version of the poem from the class folder

HW- Grammar Quiz Sent #45, and turn in #41-44

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 13

Read, color-coded, and analyzed diction and imagery in Lorca's "The Guitar" - get notes from a classmate

HW-Poetry Reading Response due Monday - pick up the assignment in the class folder - for those who missed class because of the football game, this assignment is still due on Monday.  Email me with any questions.

AP World Lit Class Activities for March 13

Things Fall Apart Intro Activity -"Kola Nut Conversations" - get notes from a classmate about primary themes in the novel

HW-TFA read by March 23

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 12

Completed Questioning and Inferring Chart for Anti-Communist Poet Milosz -  pick up your copy from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Get a good night's sleep! :)

AP World Lit Class Activities for March 12

Revisited Poetry Anticipation Guide to evaluate progress in analyzing poetry - clarified any unclear topics - see me if you have any questions about this.

Wrote Political Poetry using RAFT - see me about making this up

Things Fall Apart distributed

HW-Things Fall Apart read by March 23

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 11

Grammar #44 - check with a classmate for corrections

Analyzing Form and Content - read, color-coded, and analyzed Solzhenitsyn's "Freedom to Breathe" - read and get notes from a classmate, read "The Duckling"

HW-Final Draft and Binder due tomorrow

martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 10

Individual Revision of papers

*Note- class will meet in the regular classroom tomorrow, and you will need your regular English binder

HW-Final Draft and Binder due March 12

AP World Lit Activities for March 10

Wrap-up discussion for "Thoughts of Hanoi" - check with a classmate for notes and see me for any questions

Comments on Commentaries reviewed and discussed - pick up your copy and let me know if you have any questions

Sample Written Commentary Outline reviewed - pick up your copy and let me know if you have any questions

HW-In-class Commentary tomorrow, reading log due Thursday, Mar 12

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 9

Individual Revision of papers

HW-Final Draft and Binder due March 12

AP World Lit Class Activities for March 9

Group work to complete Analyzing Imagery handout for "Thought of Hanoi" - pick up your copy from the class folder

HW- In-class Commentary on Wed., Mar 11, Reading Log due Thurs. Mar 12

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 5

Individual revision of papers

HW-Final Draft and Binder due March 12

AP World Lit Class Activities for March 5

Pair Work to translated "Maldicion" by Pablo Neruda - pick up your copy from the class folder

Completed Analyzing Voice and Diction Chart - turned in for a grade - pick up your copy from the class folder and see me about making this grade up

HW-Poetry Reading Log due March 12

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for March 4

Top Ten Editing Checklist for Final Drafts - get notes from a classmate

Research Paper Reminders handout and Final Draft rubric reviewed - pick your copies up from the class folder

Rough Drafts returned - pick yours up from the class folder

HW-Final Drafts and Binders due March 12

AP World Lit Class Activities for March 4

Finished Questioning and Inferring Chart - check with a group member for notes

Read, color-coded, and analyzed diction and imagery in Lorca's "The Guitar" - get notes from a classmate

HW-Poetry reading log due Mar 12

martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

AP World Lit Class Activities for March 3

Poetry Reading Log Assignment reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder

Czeslaw Milosz poems read and analyzed for form and content using Questioning and Inferring Chart - pick up your copy from the class folder, read the poems in the packet, get notes from a classmate

HW-Poetry Reading Log due March 12

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

World Lit Activities for March 2

Grammar #41 - pick up your copy from the class folder

Tone and Mood Discussion - check with a classmate for notes

Read and Analyzed Yeats' "The Second Coming" to complete "Tone and Mood Chart" - pick up your copy from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Final Draft and Binder due March 12 (note new date)

AP World Lit Class Activities for March 2

Analyzing Form and Content - read, color-coded, and analyzed Solzhenitsyn's "Freedom to Breathe" - read and get notes from a classmate, read "The Duckling"

HW-get a good night's sleep!

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Feb 26

Grammar Quiz - Sent #40, and Sent #36-39 turned in - see me to schedule a time to make this up

Poetry Anticipation Guide and Political Poetry Unit Overview - pick yours up from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Research Paper Final Draft and Binder due Mar 11, Individual Conferences Available - sign up in class

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Feb 25

In-class revision of drafts

HW-Rough Drafts (including 5 vocab words and vocab list) due Feb 26

AP World Lit Class Activities for Feb 25

Tone and Mood Analysis for an Irish poem - completed Tone and Mood Chart - see me about making this up

HW-Final Draft and Binder due March 2

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Feb 24

In-class revision of drafts

HW-Rough Drafts due (with 5 vocab words used and vocab lists) Feb 26

AP World Lit Class Activities for Feb 24

Poetry Notes handed out and reviewed

Poetry Packets distributed

Tone and Mood discussed and words identified to use for each

Tone and Mood analyzed in Yeats' "The Second Coming" using Tone and Mood Chart - get notes from a classmate

HW-Final Draft and Binder due March 2

lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Feb 23

Rough Draft Rubric handed out and reviewed - see me for a copy

In-class revision of drafts

HW-Rough Drafts due (with 5 vocab words used and vocab lists) Feb 26

AP World Lit Class Activities for Feb 23

Top Ten Editing Checklist for Final Drafts - get notes from a classmate

Research Paper Reminders handout and Final Draft rubric reviewed - pick your copies up from the class folder

Rough Drafts returned - pick yours up from the class folder

HW-Final Drafts and Binders due March 2

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2015

AP World Lit Class Activities for Feb 19

Poetry Anticipation Guide and Political Poetry Unit Overview - pick yours up from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Research Paper Rough Draft due Feb 20, Individual Conferences Available - sign up in class

World Lit Class Activities for Feb 19

Peer Review of First Draft - see me about making this up

HW-Rough Drafts due Feb 26, Individual Conferences Available - sign up in class

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Feb 18

Grammar #39 - get corrections from a classmate

Peer Review of First Draft - see me about making this up

HW-Rough Drafts due Feb 26

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Feb 16

"Do It and Cry" List reviewed - words and phrases to avoid when writing literary analysis and research papers - pick your copy up from the class folder

Sentence Outlines returned - pick yours up from the class folder and let me know if you have any questions

Individual drafting in computer lab

HW-First draft due Feb 18

sábado, 14 de febrero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Feb 13

Updated Schedule - pick up your copy from the class folder

Notes - Elements of a research paper paragraph - get from a classmate

Sample Research Paragraph - evaluated as a class - pick up your copy from the class folder - see me for any questions

Sample Research Paper Intro and First Body Paragraph evaluated - pick up your copy from the class folder - see me for any questions.

HW- First Draft due Feb 18

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Feb 12

Grammar Sent #37-38 - get corrections from a classmate

Avoiding Plagiarism and Quoting lecture, discussion, and notes - get notes from a classmate

Sample Intro/Conclusion paragraphs read and discussed - pick up your copy from the class folder

HW-First draft due Feb 17

AP World Lit Class Activities for Feb 12

"Do It and Cry" List distributed - pick up your copy from the class folder and read through it

Individual work on first drafts

HW-First Draft - 1600-1800 words - electronic file is fine - will be used for peer editing

World Lit Class Activities for Feb 11

In-class work on Final Thesis and Sentence Outline - see me for any questions

HW-Final Thesis and Sentence Outline

martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Feb 10

Grammar Sent #36 - pick up your sentences from the class folder and get corrections from a classmate

Sentence Outline Overview and Sample - pick up your copy of the handout from the class folder and get notes from a classmate - see me for any questions

HW-Final Thesis and Sentence Outline due Feb 12

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

World Lit Activities for Feb 9

2nd Binder Check in Elementary Computer Lab

Individual Work - color-coding notes pages for main topics on Topic Outline, and research as needed for additional sources

HW-Final Thesis and Sentence Outline due Feb 12

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015

AP World Lit Activities for Feb 4

Sentence Outline Overview and Sample - pick up your copy from the class folder, get notes from a classmate, and see me for any questions

HW-2nd Binder Check Feb 5

martes, 3 de febrero de 2015

World Lit Activities for Feb 2

First Binder Check

Individual research

HW-Preliminary Thesis and Topic Outline

AP World Lit Activities for Feb 2

Individual Conferences about Preliminary Thesis and Topic Outlines

Individual research for 2nd Binder Check

HW - 2nd Binder Check Feb 5

viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 30

Work day in Elementary Computer Lab - let me know if you have any questions about the notes pages that are due Monday

HW-First Binder Check

AP World Lit Class Activities for Jan 30

Sample Concept Map created for biographical analysis of Les Mis incorporating research - get notes from a classmate

Sample Preliminary Thesis and Topic Outline created from Sample Concept Map - get notes from a classmate

Topic Outline handout distributed and discussed - pick up your copy from the class folder - this may be used for your outline, or yours may be typed.

HW-Preliminary Thesis and Topic Outline

viernes, 23 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 23

How to Guide for Internet Research handout - pick up yours from the class folder

Individual work time for Working Bibliography and conferences about Preliminary Topic Statements finished

HW-Working Bibliographies due Jan 27

AP World Lit Class Activities for Jan 23

Working Bibliographies returned - pick yours up from the class folder

First Binder Check questions answered - see me if you have any

Fact vs. Opinion activity

HW-First Binder Check - Jan 29

jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 22

Reading Notes, Brainstorming, and Preliminary Topic Statements turned in

Working Bibliography requirements reviewed - see the timeline on the back of the Research Paper Assignment

Searching on EBSCO and Google Scholar reviewed - get notes from a classmate or see me for questions

How Do I Cite That? handout reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder

HW-Working Bibliography due Jan 27

AP World Lit Class Activities for Jan 22

Working Bibliographies turned in

Notes Pages Instructions reviewed - see your Research Paper Organizer handout - check with me for any questions

Bib Cards/Note Cards Instruction - get notes from a classmate

First Binder Check requirements reviewed - see the timeline on the back of your Research Paper Assignment handout

HW-first binder check Jan 29

martes, 20 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 20

Working Bibliography overview - pick up your copy of the handout from the class folder and get notes from a classmate.  See me about any questions you may have.

Note: Class on Thursday and Friday will be held in the Elementary Computer Lab - go straight there for class.

HW-reading notes, brainstorming, and Preliminary Topic Statement (20 points)

viernes, 16 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 16

What is research? - get notes from a classmate

Research Paper Organizer and Topics handout reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder, set up your binder, and let me know if you have any questions

HW-read novel/play for RP

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 15

In-class reading for research paper

HW-read novel/play for research paper, bring binder for RP, revised testimony emailed Friday

miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 14

Grammar Sent #29 - check with a classmate for corrections - quiz will be Monday

In-class reading for Research Paper

HW-read novel/play for research paper, optional testimony revisions due via email by Friday

lunes, 12 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 12

Grammar #28 - check with a classmate for corrections

In-class reading of novel or play for research paper

HW-read novel/play, optional testimony revision (for publishing) due Friday (20 point optional assignment) - see me about any questions

viernes, 9 de enero de 2015

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 9

Grammar #27 - check with a classmate for corrections

Reading Comprehension Strategies discussed - pick up your copy of a handout from the class folder

Reading Comprehension Mind Map explained - pick up your copy from the class folder - this (or another form of note-taking for the novel) will be due the same day as the Preliminary Topic Statement - Jan 22

HW-read novel/play for research paper

World Lit Class Activities for Jan 8

Research Paper Assignment given and reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder and see me for questions

Library to select books - your book needs to be chosen from those available for the project as soon as possible

HW-read novel/play

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2015

Class Activities for Jan 7

Grammar Sent #26 - pick up your copy from the class folder and get corrections from a classmate

Testimonies returned and discussed - pick up yours from the class folder

Portfolio Review - completed chart for pieces written in first semester.  You chart will need to be completed and turned in when you return to school

Pieces written are:
Oedipus Reflection
Modern Tragedy
Persuasive Speech
Les Mis Historical Analysis

HW-Portfolio Chart