martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 25

Grammar #23 - get correction from a classmate

Dictation practice - ask a classmate to review the activity with you

In-class reading

HW-Book V, "Jean Valjean" by Dec 5

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 24

Testimony rough drafts returned

Reading Response Journal #4 completed - see me to schedule a time to make this up

In-class reading

HW-Book V read by Dec 5, (suggested reading: pgs 440-455)

AP World Lit Activities for Nov 24

Reading Log #5 turned in

Writing Workshop for testimonies - see me if you have any questions about my comments - examples should be used from the entire novel, and a Works Cited page is required for this assignment

HW-Final Draft of testimonies due by Wed., at 11:30 am.  Rough draft must be turned in with the final draft

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 21

Reading Circle Book IV - if this is the first reading circle you have missed it does not need to be made up - see me for any questions you have about the novel

HW-Book V, "Jean Valjean" by Dec 5 (pgs 411-440 suggested reading for the weekend)

AP World Lit Class Activities for Nov 21

Video - 2012 film - Cosete's wedding and Valjean's death

Book V wrap-up discussion - see me for any questions on the end of the novel

Book V reading log discussed - let me know if you have any questions about this

HW-Book V reading log, bring testimony rough draft to class on Monday, and go to Elementary Computer Lab for class on Monday and Tuesday to revise your testimony

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 20

Grammar #22 corrected - check with a classmate for corrections

Watched Khan Academy video and took notes -

Discussion of information from the video and how it applies to the novel - see me if you have any questions about this

In-class reading and work on study guide

HW-Book IV, "St. Denis" by tomorrow (pgs 401-408)

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 18

Grammar #21 - pick up your copy of sentences from the class folder and get corrections from a classmate

Les Miserables:
Eponine's song "On My Own" - watched from 2012 film and discussed her journey of self-discovery and how that relates to biblical truth - if you are unclear on this or have any questions, please see me

In-class reading

HW-Book IV, "St. Denis" read by Friday, Nov 21 (pgs 369-383 suggested reading for tonight)

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 17

Books IV and V schedule handed out - pick yours up from the class folder

"St. Denis" Intro Activity - scenes from "Eponine" - see me if you have any questions about this section

HW-Book IV, "St. Denis" by Nov 21

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 14

Book III Journal - please see me to schedule a time to make this up

Book IV, "St. Denis" study guide handed out - pick up your copy from the class folder

HW-Book IV, "St. Denis" by Nov 21

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 13

Book III, "Marius" Reading Circle - if this is the second reading circle you have missed, it will need to be made up as a written assignment - please see me to schedule this

HW-Book IV, "St Denis" by Nov 21

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 12

Nonfiction Assignment turned in

Nonfiction Info Sharing - pick up your chart from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Book III, "Marius" for tomorrow

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

World Literature Class Activities for Nov 11

Video - 2012 Musical - ABC Cafe/"Red and Black" - discussed French history at this time of the novel and what the Friends of the ABC were doing - check with me or a classmate for questions

In-class reading of Book III, "Marius"

HW-Nonfiction Assignment due tomorrow, Book III, "Marius" due Nov 13

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

World Literature Class Activities for Nov 7

Grammar Quiz - Sent #20 - see me to schedule a time to make this up and turn in #16-19

Library for research of Nonfiction Assignment - this will need to be done on your own

HW-Nonfiction Assignment due Nov 12, Book III "Marius" by Nov 13

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 5

Grammar #19 - check with a classmate for corretions

Book III schedule and study guide handed out and reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder

Journal Response for Book II - see me to schedule a time to make this up

HW-Book III "Marius" by Nov 13, Rough Draft of Testimony by Nov 7

AP World Lit Class Activities for Nov 5

Library for work on Nonfiction Assignment

HW-Nonfiction Assignment, Book III "Marius" by Nov 7, Rough Draft of Testimony by Nov 7

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 3

Reading Circle for Book II - check with a classmate for notes for the study guide

HW- Testimony Rough Draft due Nov 6 (note change in due date), Book III, "Marius" due Nov 12

AP World Lit Class Activities for Nov 3

"Cosette" reading log collected

Study Guide for Book III handed out - pick up your copy from the class folder

Nonfiction Assignment reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder

Pairs chosen and work done in library for the assignment

HW- Nonfiction Assignment due Nov 5, Rough Draft of Testimony due Nov 6 (note change in due date), Book III due Nov 7