martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 30

Siddhartha Quiz - chapters 1-4 - see me to schedule a time and day to make this up

Listened to and discussed Ghandi's speech "On God" and compared to Siddhartha Chapt 3 - pick up your copy of the speech from the class folder and check with a classmate for notes/highlighted areas

Personal Journal #3 - this will need to be completed on your own time

HW-Siddhartha chpts 5-6 by Oct 2, bring computers to class tomorrow

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 29

Grammar #12 - check with a classmate for corrections

Hero's Journey Departure Stage scene depictions - pick up your copy of the graphic organizer from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Siddhartha Chapters 3-4, Quiz Chpts 1-4

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 29

Reviewed Nonfiction Assignment

Library for research - see me about topic to research and when it will be presented

HW-Siddhartha read by Oct 6, reading log due Oct 8, notes pages for nonfiction assignment due Oct 1

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 26

Reviewed Steps of the Hero's Journey - review this and check with me for any questions

Personal Journal #1 - this will need to be completed on your own time

HW- Siddhartha read by Oct 6, reading log due Oct 8

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 26

Grammar Sent #11 - pick up your sentences from the class folder and check the vocabulary definitions and your corrections with a classmate for this sentence

Usage Glossary in the Handbook for Writers  reviewed (pgs 343-362) - review this on your own time and let me know if you have any questions

Personal Journal Response #2 written in class - you will need to make this up on your own time.

HW-Siddhartha Chpts 3-4 by Sept 30

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 25

Siddhartha chapters 1-2 discussed - check with a classmate for answers to study guide questions

Venn Diagram - comparing/contrasting Siddhartha and Daniel - get notes from a classmate - this discussion will be continued as we study the novel

HW-read Chapters 3-4 by Sept 30, quiz Sept 30 on chapters 1-4

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 23

In-class essay on Antigone or Oedipus - see me to schedule a time to make this up

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 23

Grammar Quiz - see me to schedule a time to make this up

Reviewed Initiation Stage steps in the Hero's Journey (first page) - see me if you have any questions about any of these.

Siddhartha Writing Assignment reviewed - 2nd to last page in the packet - see me for any questions

Journal #1 written in class - you will need to complete this on your own time

HW-Siddhartha chapters 1-2

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 22

Siddhartha introduction - pick up your copy of the unit packet, the book, and anticipation guide from the class folder.  Read through the "Steps in the Hero's Journey" in the packet - highlighting important points about each step and giving a different example from a film if you are not familiar with the ones given.

HW-read Siddhartha chapters 1-2 by Thursday, Sept 25

viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 19

Grammar #9 - get corrections from a classmate

Greek Tragedy Wrap-up - reviewed Oedipus Anticipation Guide, tied to Antigone and modern tragedies presented yesterday, also tied to 1 Corinthians 1:1-4 - looking for hope in Corinth?

HW-have a good weekend! :)

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 17

Group work for tragedies

HW-Modern Tragedies due tomorrow and presentations are during 4th and 5th period - report to the Theatre Room at the beginning of 4th period tomorrow

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 17

Modern Tragedy rough drafts checked - please show me yours when you come to school

Group work for tragedies

HW-Modern Tragedies due tomorrow and presentations are during 4th and 5th period

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 16

Modern Tragedy rough drafts checked - make sure I have seen yours by tomorrow

Rubrics reviewed to make sure all elements are included - check your rubric and let me know about any questions you may have

Group Work to prepare for tragedies

HW-come prepared to practice your tragedy tomorrow

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 11

Oedipus Reflections collected

Antigone Ode on Man color coded - pick up your copy from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

Modern Tragedy Assignment given and reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder

HW-plot maps for tragedies due by the end of class on Friday

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 10

MLA citation information reviewed - get notes from a classmate

Grammar #8 - check with a classmate for corrections

Antigone Plot Map - get notes from a classmate

HW-written reflection - 5 vocab words should be used and vocab lists are to be turned in with the relfection

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 9

Socratic Seminar - see me to schedule a time to make this up

HW-written reflection - pick up your copy of the assignment from the class folder

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 8

Oedipus Modern Rewrite Presentations

Class discussion of resolution, catharsis, Oedipus as a tragic hero, and fate vs free will - check with a classmate for notes

HW-prep for Socratic Seminar (30 points - 15 for participation in inner circle, 15 for notes while in outer circle)

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 8

Final Allusions Presentation - pick up your copy of the handout from the class folder

Oedipus discussion - allusions and dramatic irony identified and explain - check with a classmate for notes

HW-prep for Socratic Seminar

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 5

Oedipus Modern Revision Activity Instructions

(20 points)

1. 3-5 min presentation (maximum) of your scene - choose most important dialogue and rewrite in modern language - keep characters the same but may use modern nicknames - maintain serious/dramatic tone

2. 1 script turned in per group - may be handwritten

3. Minimal props/costumes to add to the presentation

*Bonus* (up to 4 points) - Greek masks for characters (handmade) - to show emotions

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 4

Grammar Sent #6 - pick up your copy of the sentences from the class folder

Grammar Activity - reviewed coordinating structure and practiced finding coordinating sentences in the text of Oedipus.

Oedipus scene 4 - identified Oedipus' points of recognition and reversal - check with a classmate for sections of the text that were marked and identified - be sure you understand the terms recognition and reversal when used for a Greek tragic hero.

HW-finish Oedipus

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 3

Socratic Seminar for Oedipus scenes 1-3 - pick up handouts from the class folder and review the questions asked in the seminar.  See me or check with a classmate for any questions you cannot answer on your own

HW-read Oedipus scene 4

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 2

Oedipus - Reviewed scenes 1-3 by doing Tableux Vivant - check with a classmate for notes

HW-prepare for Socratic Seminar - review study guide through the end of scene 3 - should be able to address all topics/questions identified

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 2

Library for work on Allusions Projects and clarified instructions - email me with any questions

Commentaries returned - may be rewritten, but need to conference with me first - before school, during break on Monday or Wednesday, or during sixth period (if you have study hall)

HW-Allusions presentations

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 1

Grammar Quiz - Sent #5 - see me to schedule a time to make this up and turn in Sent #1-4

Oedipus - scene 2 and stasimon 2 discussed, began reading scene 3

HW-read scene 3, through top of pg 53 (line 1305)

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 1

Intro to Greek Theatre - get notes from a classmate

Allusions Project assigned - pick up your copy from the class folder on my desk

HW- Allusions Presentations - Sept 3, read Oedipus by Sept 4