lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Monday, March 31

Things Fall Apart Quiz - Chpts 7-13 - this will need to be made up when you return to school

Proverbs Activity - pick up your copy from the class folder

HW - Chpts 14-15

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Wednesday, March 28

Things Fall Apart - Reading Circles for Chpts 7-10

HW-Chpts 11-13, Quiz Chpts 7-13

Class Activities for Thursday. March 27

Grammar #48 - check with a classmate for corrections

Things Fall Apart - Personal Journal response - What voices do we listen to when we are making decisions?, Venn Diagram comparing Okonkwo and Abraham - get notes from a classmate

HW-Chpt 10

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Class Activites for Wednesday, March 26

Honors Research Assignment Presentations finished - get notes from a classmate

Research Assignment Writing Prompt reviewed - pick yours up from the class folder

HW - Chpt 9 and Writing Prompt

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, March 25

Grammar Sent #47 - check with a classmate for corrections

Honors Research Presentations - get notes from a classmate - you will be required to use this information in a writing assignment

HW-Chpt 8

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Monday, March 24

Reading Quiz - Chpts 1-6 of Things Fall Apart - this will need to be made up when you return to school

Character Relationship Chart - pick yours up from the class folder and check with a classmate for notes

HW-Chpt 7, Honors Research Assignment presentations due tomorrow - print out slides or email the presentation (email the link if it is a Prezi)

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Thursday, March 20

Reading Circles - chapters 1-3 study guide questions - pick up your study guide from the class folder and check with a classmate for notes

HW - Chpts 4-6, Reading Quiz Chpts 1-6

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Wednesday, March 19

Grammar Sentence #46 - pick your sentences and list of prepositions up from the class folder and check with a classmate for corrections

Africa Maps completed and discussed - pick yours up from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW - Chapter 3

Class Activities for Tuesday, March 18

Things Fall Apart Anticipation Guide completed and pronunciation guide reviewed - pick yours up from the class folder

Began reading chapter 1 in class

HW- read through Chapter 2

Class Activities for Monday, March 17

Political Poetry Anticipation Guide reviewed and statements corrected - check with a classmate for corrections

Political Poem Writing - RAFT - see me for instructions

HW-finish poems in necessary

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Thursday, March 6

Grammar #44 - check with a classmate for corrections - there will be a grammar quiz next week - learn comma rules

Anti-communist Poets continued - Milosz - took notes on the poet's background and worked in groups to complete Questioning and Inferring chart - pick yours up from the class folder and gets notes from a classmate

HW - Research Paper Final Draft and Binder due March 12 by 4 pm

Class Activities for Wed., March 5

Grammar #43 - check with a classmate for corrections

Anti-communist Poets - color coded and analyzed "Freedom to Breathe" - check with a classmate for notes, read and discussed "The Duckling"

HW - Research Paper Final Draft and Binder due 3/12 by 4 pm