martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, Feb 25

Rough Draft rubric handed out and reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder and let me know if you have any questions

Grammar Sent #41 - pick up your sentences from the class folder and check with a classmate for

Tone and Mood - discussed ways to describe - see Wordle posted in classroom

"The Second Coming" by Yeats analyzed - Tone and Mood Chart completed - get notes from a classmate

HW-Rough Drafts due (whether you are in school or not), individual conferences available before and after school

Class Activities for Monday, Feb 24

Computer lab for drafting of Rough Draft - must use 5 vocabulary words and turn in vocab lists with the rough draft. - up to 2 bonus points can be earned for correct use of up to four additional vocabulary words (1/2 point each)

HW-Rough Drafts due Feb 26 (whether you are in school or not - it can be e-mailed), individual conferences available before and after school

viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities for Friday, Feb 21

Introduction to Political Poetry Unit - pick up your packet from the class folder
Anticipation Guide - complete this for the "Before" column
Unit Notes - and check with a classmate

HW-Rough Drafts due Feb 26, Individual Conferences available, Monday we are in the computer lab for drafting - bring RP Binder

Class Activities for Thursday, Feb 20

Library for work on research paper

HW-Rough draft due Feb 26, Individual Conferences available

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities for Wednesday, Feb 19

Library for individual work on the research paper

HW-Rough Draft due Feb 26, Individual Conferences available now from March 7 - sign up on the schedule behind my desk

Class Activities for Tuesday, Feb 18

Grammar Sent #40 - turn in #36-40 - turn this in on the day you return to class
Peer Review of First Drafts continued

HW-Rough Drafts due Feb 26, Individual Conferences available before and after school from now until Mar 7

Class Activities for Monday, Feb 17

Grammar Sentence #39 - check with a classmate for corrections
First Drafts checked for completion
Peer Review of First Drafts - pick up your Peer Review Checklist from the class folder and work with a partner from class to complete it on your own time

HW-Rough Drafts due Feb 26, Individual Conferences available before and after school from now until Mar 7

miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities - Wednesday, Feb 12

-Final Thesis and Sentence Outline turned in - turn yours in on the day you return to school
-Grammar #37 - correct this sentence and check yours against a classmate's for corrections
-Sample Intro and Conclusion paragraphs reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder in the file tray on the file cabinet and check with a classmate for notes.  See me or e-mail me with any questions.

HW-First Draft due Feb 17

Class Activities - Tuesday, Feb 11

-In-class work on Sentence Outlines and individual conferences with teacher as needed - see me or e-mail me with any questions about the assignment

-New Due Date for First Draft - Feb 17!

-Individual after school conference will begin to be offered Feb 17.  Conferences will be held between 4:30 and 5:30 pm and will be 20 minutes long.

HW - Final Thesis and Sentence Outline

Class Activities - Monday, Feb 10

-Notes Pages returned and reviewed
-Sample Final Thesis and Sentence Outline created from Sample Prel Thesis and Topic Outline for Les Mis - get notes from a classmate

HW-Final Thesis and Sentence Outline due Wed, Feb 12

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, February 4

-Preliminary Thesis and Topic Outline turned in - must be turned in the day the student returns to school
-Individual work in the Computer Lab and conferences with the teacher about thesis and outline.

HW-2nd binder check Friday, Feb 7 - notes pages for three more sources

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities for Friday, Jan 31

-1st Binder Check - your binder and notes pages must be turned in the day you return to school

HW - Preliminary Thesis and Topic Outline due Feb 4, 2nd Binder Check Feb 7