jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Dec 11

Midterm Exam Review Sheet handed out and discussed - pick up your copy from the class folder and come prepared Monday with any questions

Watched scenes from 2012 musical to review

HW-Final Draft of Testimony and Optional Drama Review due Dec 15, Final Exam Dec 17

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Dec 10

Writing Workshop for Testimonies

Need to turn in: rubric (pick yours up from the class folder), final draft, rough draft, and outline

HW-Final draft of testimonies due Dec 15, Optional Assignment due Dec 15

AP World Lit Class Activities for Dec 10

Sun Won background

"Cranes" reading circle - see me about scheduling a time to make this up

HW-"The Library of Babel" and prep for author presentations as needed

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Dec 9

Hugo Says/I Say/The Bible Says Chart completed - pick up your copy from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

Barricade scene rubrics and grammar sentences/quizzes returned - pick up yours from the class folder

HW-Final Draft of Testimonies due Dec 11 - go to Elementary Computer Lab tomorrow for class, Optional Drama Review due Dec 15

AP World Lit Class Activities for Dec 9

Kawabata background

"The Silver Fifty-Sen Pieces" reading circle - see me about scheduling a time to make this up

HW-"Cranes" and prep for author presentations as needed

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2014

AP World Lit Class Activities for Dec 8

Gordimer background

"The Train from Rhodesia" reading circle - see me about scheduling a time to make this up

HW-"The silver fifty-Sen Pieces" and prep for author presentations as needed

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

World Literature Class Activities for Dec 5

Les Miserables Book V reading circle - see me to schedule a time to make this up

HW-Book V reading response on Monday, final draft of testimony due Dec 11

AP World Lit Class Activities for Dec 5

Lu Xun background

"My Old Home" reading circle - see me about scheduling a time to make this up

HW-"The Train From Rhodesia" and prep for author presentations as needed

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Dec 4

Grammar Quiz - Sent #25 - please see me to schedule a time to make this up

2012 film - wedding through the end of the film - discussed similarities and differences to the novel and tied to Psalm 84:11 - see me if you have any questions about this

HW-Book V by Dec 5

AP World Lit Class Activities for Dec 4

Tolstoy Background - pick up your handout from the class folder

"How Much Land Does a Man Need" Reading Circle - see me to schedule a way to make this up

HW-"My Old Home" and prep for presentations

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Dec 3

Grammar #24 - check with a classmate for corrections

2012 film - Eponine's and Gavroche's deaths - discussed the significance of their deaths and the ties to John 15:13 - see me if you have any questions about this

In-class reading/work on study guide

HW-Grammar Quiz - sent #25, Book V by Friday

AP World Lit Class Activities for Dec 3

Pair work for Short Story unit

HW-"The Train from Rhodesia" for tomorrow, Discussion Questions due

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Dec 1

Video - "Do You Hear the People Sing" from 2012 film

Barricade Scene group work - to be presented tomorrow

HW-scenes to present, Book V read by Dec 5

AP World Lit Class Activities for Dec 1

Short Stories of the World Unit Overview - see the email with the handout that I sent today

Story links from the Unit Overview:

Students will individually read the following short stories, all of which are available online at the noted links
 – online stories – students will access and read individually.

  • Tolstoy “How Much Land Does a Man Need” (Russia) http://www.online-literature.com/tolstoy/2738/            
  • Lu Xun “My Old Home” (China) http://www.coldbacon.com/writing/luxun-calltoarms.html#Home
  • Nadine Gordimer “The Train From Rhodesia” (S. Africa) (downloaded print version will be emailed)
  • Kawabata “The Silver Fifty-Sen Pieces” (Japan) http://www.geocities.ws/skyshanks/pagesK1/GINKA.htm
  • Hwang Sun-won “Cranes” (Korea) http://www.flippedoutteaching.com/lessons/eng2/unit4/Cranes.pdf
  • Borges “The Library of Babel” (Argentina) http://people.math.sfu.ca/~van/teaching/Math-303/Fall14/Borges_LibraryofBabel.pdf                

HW-Discussion Questions due Dec 4 for your assigned short story

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 25

Grammar #23 - get correction from a classmate

Dictation practice - ask a classmate to review the activity with you

In-class reading

HW-Book V, "Jean Valjean" by Dec 5

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 24

Testimony rough drafts returned

Reading Response Journal #4 completed - see me to schedule a time to make this up

In-class reading

HW-Book V read by Dec 5, (suggested reading: pgs 440-455)

AP World Lit Activities for Nov 24

Reading Log #5 turned in

Writing Workshop for testimonies - see me if you have any questions about my comments - examples should be used from the entire novel, and a Works Cited page is required for this assignment

HW-Final Draft of testimonies due by Wed., at 11:30 am.  Rough draft must be turned in with the final draft

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 21

Reading Circle Book IV - if this is the first reading circle you have missed it does not need to be made up - see me for any questions you have about the novel

HW-Book V, "Jean Valjean" by Dec 5 (pgs 411-440 suggested reading for the weekend)

AP World Lit Class Activities for Nov 21

Video - 2012 film - Cosete's wedding and Valjean's death

Book V wrap-up discussion - see me for any questions on the end of the novel

Book V reading log discussed - let me know if you have any questions about this

HW-Book V reading log, bring testimony rough draft to class on Monday, and go to Elementary Computer Lab for class on Monday and Tuesday to revise your testimony

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 20

Grammar #22 corrected - check with a classmate for corrections

Watched Khan Academy video and took notes - https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/history/1600s-1800s/many-french-revolutions/v/les-miserables-and-france-s-many-revolutions

Discussion of information from the video and how it applies to the novel - see me if you have any questions about this

In-class reading and work on study guide

HW-Book IV, "St. Denis" by tomorrow (pgs 401-408)

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 18

Grammar #21 - pick up your copy of sentences from the class folder and get corrections from a classmate

Les Miserables:
Eponine's song "On My Own" - watched from 2012 film and discussed her journey of self-discovery and how that relates to biblical truth - if you are unclear on this or have any questions, please see me

In-class reading

HW-Book IV, "St. Denis" read by Friday, Nov 21 (pgs 369-383 suggested reading for tonight)

lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 17

Books IV and V schedule handed out - pick yours up from the class folder

"St. Denis" Intro Activity - scenes from "Eponine" - see me if you have any questions about this section

HW-Book IV, "St. Denis" by Nov 21

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 14

Book III Journal - please see me to schedule a time to make this up

Book IV, "St. Denis" study guide handed out - pick up your copy from the class folder

HW-Book IV, "St. Denis" by Nov 21

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 13

Book III, "Marius" Reading Circle - if this is the second reading circle you have missed, it will need to be made up as a written assignment - please see me to schedule this

HW-Book IV, "St Denis" by Nov 21

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 12

Nonfiction Assignment turned in

Nonfiction Info Sharing - pick up your chart from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Book III, "Marius" for tomorrow

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

World Literature Class Activities for Nov 11

Video - 2012 Musical - ABC Cafe/"Red and Black" - discussed French history at this time of the novel and what the Friends of the ABC were doing - check with me or a classmate for questions

In-class reading of Book III, "Marius"

HW-Nonfiction Assignment due tomorrow, Book III, "Marius" due Nov 13

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

World Literature Class Activities for Nov 7

Grammar Quiz - Sent #20 - see me to schedule a time to make this up and turn in #16-19

Library for research of Nonfiction Assignment - this will need to be done on your own

HW-Nonfiction Assignment due Nov 12, Book III "Marius" by Nov 13

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 5

Grammar #19 - check with a classmate for corretions

Book III schedule and study guide handed out and reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder

Journal Response for Book II - see me to schedule a time to make this up

HW-Book III "Marius" by Nov 13, Rough Draft of Testimony by Nov 7

AP World Lit Class Activities for Nov 5

Library for work on Nonfiction Assignment

HW-Nonfiction Assignment, Book III "Marius" by Nov 7, Rough Draft of Testimony by Nov 7

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Nov 3

Reading Circle for Book II - check with a classmate for notes for the study guide

HW- Testimony Rough Draft due Nov 6 (note change in due date), Book III, "Marius" due Nov 12

AP World Lit Class Activities for Nov 3

"Cosette" reading log collected

Study Guide for Book III handed out - pick up your copy from the class folder

Nonfiction Assignment reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder

Pairs chosen and work done in library for the assignment

HW- Nonfiction Assignment due Nov 5, Rough Draft of Testimony due Nov 6 (note change in due date), Book III due Nov 7

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 30

Testimony Assignment reviewed and sample testimony read and discussed - pick up your copy from the class folder

In-class Reading

HW-Book II, "Cosette" by Nov 3, Rough Draft of Testimony due Nov 4

AP World Lit Class Activities for Oct 30

Testimony written example given - pick up your copy from the class folder

Reading Circle Book II - check with a classmate for notes - due to the new format (see yesterday's post) this will not need to be made up

HW-Reading log due Nov 3, Rough Draft of Testimony due Nov 4, Book III, "Marius" due Nov 11

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 29

Preposition Review - pick up handout from class folder and review, and watch this video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E39vULGayBk

Grammar #18 - check with a classmate for corrections and vocabulary

Les Mis - videos of 1998 and 2012 version watched and discussed of Cosette and Valjean meeting for the first time

Note: Reading Circle format will be a little different - we will use the study guide questions, and the grade will be based on participation as well as comments (15 points) - this grade will not need to be made up, but you will need to check with a classmate or me for any questions you have about the study guide.  Also, response journals will be done the day after the Reading Circle, but books will not be allowed to be used for them.

HW-Book II, "Cosette" by Nov 3

AP World Lit Class Activities for Oct 29

Preposition Review - pick up handout from class folder and review, and watch this video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E39vULGayBk

Les Mis - Reading Log #2 - pick up your copy from the class folder - due Nov 3

Reading Circle format will be a little different - we will use the study guide questions, and the grade will be based on participation as well as comments (15 points) - this grade will not need to be made up, but you will need to check with a classmate or me for any questions you have about the study guide

HW-Book II, "Cosette" by Oct 30, Reading Log due Nov 3, Rough Draft of Testimony due Nov 4

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 28

Map of Valjean's journey revisited - get notes from a classmate

Book II, "Cosette" study guide discussed for beginning of the section - check with a classmate for notes

Psalm 15 read and discussed in terms of Valjean - pick up your copy from the class folder

Timeline of Events completed - pick up your copy from the class folder and check with a classmate for notes

HW-Book II, "Cosette" by Nov 3 (through page 157 by tomorrow if you are reading 10-15 pgs a night)

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 27

Reading Circle - see me to schedule a time to make this up

Book II study guide and schedule handed out

HW-Book II, "Cosette" by Nov 3

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 23

Grammar Sent #17 - check with a classmate for corrections

Les Miserables - clarified #6 on the study guide - check with a classmate - video of Fantine's song "I Dreamed a Dream" and lyrics distributed

Personal Response Journal for Book I - see me to schedule a time to make this up

HW-Book I, "Fantine" by Oct 27

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 22

Grammar #16 - pick up your copy of the sentences from the class folder and check with a classmate for corrections

Prepositions List - reviewed and example sentences found in Les Mis

In-class Reading of Les Mis

HW-Book I, "Fantine" read by Oct 27

martes, 21 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 21

Les Mis - Historical Background info in packet read and important facts highlighted - this will need to be done on your own

3-2-1 - Identified 3 important facts from history, 2 specific ties where these are seen in the novel, and 1 thing Hugo wants his readers to know about 19th century France - check with a classmate/group member for items identified

HW-Book I, "Fantine" read by Oct 27

AP World Lit Class Activities for Oct 21

Les Miserables Intro - wordscapes for motifs in the novel

Unit Overview and books distributed - pick up your book and packet from the class folder

HW-Book I, "Fantine" read by Oct 27

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 17

Motifs for Les Miserables identified and analyzed

Unit Overview Packet and Book I Schedule distributed and reviewed - pick up your copies from the class folder

Books distributed - pick up your copy from the file tray on top of the file cabinet

HW-Les Mis Book I, "Fantine" read by Oct 27

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 15

Grammar Quiz - Sent #15 - see me to schedule a time to make this up and turn in sentences #11-14

Final Venn Diagram for Siddhartha vs. Daniel - get notes from a classmate

Speech Writing - rubrics handed out - pick yours up from the class folder

HW-Persuasive Speeches (need outlines and journals also), and vocab lists

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 14

Word Choice Review - Transitions, Usage, Prepositional Phrases, Cliches and Euphemisms 

Persuasive Techniques - pick up your copy of the handout from the class folder

Famous Persuasive Speeches - watched and evaluated JFK's inaugural speech and Churchill's "Never surrender" speech - you can find these on YouTube to watch as examples

HW-speeches (bring computers to class tomorrow), Grammar Quiz Sent #15 

lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 10

Siddhartha Quiz - chpts 9-12 - see me to schedule a time to make this up

Initiation Stage and Return Stage steps identified - pick up your copy of the graphic organizer from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

Persuasive Speech Assignment given and reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder and see me about any questions

HW-prepare for Socratic Seminar (assessment grade), outline for speech due Oct 14

AP World Lit Class Activities for Oct 10

Siddhartha vs Daniel Venn Diagram completed - get notes from a classmate

Resolution of the novel discussed - see me about any questions

Persuasive Speech assignment given and reviewed

HW-persuasive speech outlines due Oct 14

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 9

Siddhartha's Road of Trials - Initiation Stage Activity - pick up your copy of the handout from the class folder and get notes from a classmate to complete it

HW-Siddhartha chpts 11-12, Quiz chpts 9-12

AP World Lit Class Activities for Oct 9

Socratic Seminar - get notes from a classmate from the discussion

HW-Personal Journal #6, review journal entries to identify main ideas

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

World lit Class Activities for Oct 8

Siddhartha Chpts 9-10 study guide discussed in groups - check with me or a classmate for any questions you could not answer on your own

Personal Journal #6 - this will need to be completed on your own

HW-Siddhartha chpts 11-12 by Friday, Oct 10

AP World Lit Class Activities for Oct 8

Finished Hero's Journey Graphic organizer activity - get notes from a classmate

Began a Venn Diagram comparing Siddhartha to Daniel - get notes from a classmate

HW-Journal #5, prep for socratic seminar by picking out study guide questions you would like to discuss

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 7

Grammar #14 - check with a classmate for corrections

Siddhartha Discussion Web activity - pick up your copy of the handout from the class folder and check with a classmate for notes

HW-Siddhartha chpts 9-10

AP World Lit Class Activities for Oct 7

Presentation about Hinduism for Nonfiction Assignment - get notes from a classmate

Siddhartha's Hero Journey Graphic Organizers created - this activity will be finished tomorrow, so you can get the notes then

HW-reading log due

World Lit Class Activities for Oct 6

Siddhartha chpts 5-8 Quiz - see me to schedule a time to make this up

Study Guide Chpts 7-8 discussion - check with a classmate for notes

Siddhartha vs Daniel Venn Diagram continued - check with a classmate for notes

Personal Journal #5 - this will need to be completed on your own time

HW-Siddhartha chpts 9-10 by Oct 8

AP World Lit Class Activities for Oct 6

Siddhartha Quiz - see me to schedule a time to make this up

Personal Journal #4 - this will need to be done on your own time

HW-reading log due Oct 8

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 30

Siddhartha Quiz - chapters 1-4 - see me to schedule a time and day to make this up

Listened to and discussed Ghandi's speech "On God" and compared to Siddhartha Chapt 3 - pick up your copy of the speech from the class folder and check with a classmate for notes/highlighted areas

Personal Journal #3 - this will need to be completed on your own time

HW-Siddhartha chpts 5-6 by Oct 2, bring computers to class tomorrow

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 29

Grammar #12 - check with a classmate for corrections

Hero's Journey Departure Stage scene depictions - pick up your copy of the graphic organizer from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW-Siddhartha Chapters 3-4, Quiz Chpts 1-4

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 29

Reviewed Nonfiction Assignment

Library for research - see me about topic to research and when it will be presented

HW-Siddhartha read by Oct 6, reading log due Oct 8, notes pages for nonfiction assignment due Oct 1

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 26

Reviewed Steps of the Hero's Journey - review this and check with me for any questions

Personal Journal #1 - this will need to be completed on your own time

HW- Siddhartha read by Oct 6, reading log due Oct 8

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 26

Grammar Sent #11 - pick up your sentences from the class folder and check the vocabulary definitions and your corrections with a classmate for this sentence

Usage Glossary in the Handbook for Writers  reviewed (pgs 343-362) - review this on your own time and let me know if you have any questions

Personal Journal Response #2 written in class - you will need to make this up on your own time.

HW-Siddhartha Chpts 3-4 by Sept 30

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 25

Siddhartha chapters 1-2 discussed - check with a classmate for answers to study guide questions

Venn Diagram - comparing/contrasting Siddhartha and Daniel - get notes from a classmate - this discussion will be continued as we study the novel

HW-read Chapters 3-4 by Sept 30, quiz Sept 30 on chapters 1-4

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 23

In-class essay on Antigone or Oedipus - see me to schedule a time to make this up

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 23

Grammar Quiz - see me to schedule a time to make this up

Reviewed Initiation Stage steps in the Hero's Journey (first page) - see me if you have any questions about any of these.

Siddhartha Writing Assignment reviewed - 2nd to last page in the packet - see me for any questions

Journal #1 written in class - you will need to complete this on your own time

HW-Siddhartha chapters 1-2

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 22

Siddhartha introduction - pick up your copy of the unit packet, the book, and anticipation guide from the class folder.  Read through the "Steps in the Hero's Journey" in the packet - highlighting important points about each step and giving a different example from a film if you are not familiar with the ones given.

HW-read Siddhartha chapters 1-2 by Thursday, Sept 25

viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 19

Grammar #9 - get corrections from a classmate

Greek Tragedy Wrap-up - reviewed Oedipus Anticipation Guide, tied to Antigone and modern tragedies presented yesterday, also tied to 1 Corinthians 1:1-4 - looking for hope in Corinth?

HW-have a good weekend! :)

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 17

Group work for tragedies

HW-Modern Tragedies due tomorrow and presentations are during 4th and 5th period - report to the Theatre Room at the beginning of 4th period tomorrow

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 17

Modern Tragedy rough drafts checked - please show me yours when you come to school

Group work for tragedies

HW-Modern Tragedies due tomorrow and presentations are during 4th and 5th period

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 16

Modern Tragedy rough drafts checked - make sure I have seen yours by tomorrow

Rubrics reviewed to make sure all elements are included - check your rubric and let me know about any questions you may have

Group Work to prepare for tragedies

HW-come prepared to practice your tragedy tomorrow

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 11

Oedipus Reflections collected

Antigone Ode on Man color coded - pick up your copy from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

Modern Tragedy Assignment given and reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder

HW-plot maps for tragedies due by the end of class on Friday

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 10

MLA citation information reviewed - get notes from a classmate

Grammar #8 - check with a classmate for corrections

Antigone Plot Map - get notes from a classmate

HW-written reflection - 5 vocab words should be used and vocab lists are to be turned in with the relfection

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 9

Socratic Seminar - see me to schedule a time to make this up

HW-written reflection - pick up your copy of the assignment from the class folder

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 8

Oedipus Modern Rewrite Presentations

Class discussion of resolution, catharsis, Oedipus as a tragic hero, and fate vs free will - check with a classmate for notes

HW-prep for Socratic Seminar (30 points - 15 for participation in inner circle, 15 for notes while in outer circle)

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 8

Final Allusions Presentation - pick up your copy of the handout from the class folder

Oedipus discussion - allusions and dramatic irony identified and explain - check with a classmate for notes

HW-prep for Socratic Seminar

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 5

Oedipus Modern Revision Activity Instructions

(20 points)

1. 3-5 min presentation (maximum) of your scene - choose most important dialogue and rewrite in modern language - keep characters the same but may use modern nicknames - maintain serious/dramatic tone

2. 1 script turned in per group - may be handwritten

3. Minimal props/costumes to add to the presentation

*Bonus* (up to 4 points) - Greek masks for characters (handmade) - to show emotions

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 4

Grammar Sent #6 - pick up your copy of the sentences from the class folder

Grammar Activity - reviewed coordinating structure and practiced finding coordinating sentences in the text of Oedipus.

Oedipus scene 4 - identified Oedipus' points of recognition and reversal - check with a classmate for sections of the text that were marked and identified - be sure you understand the terms recognition and reversal when used for a Greek tragic hero.

HW-finish Oedipus

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 3

Socratic Seminar for Oedipus scenes 1-3 - pick up handouts from the class folder and review the questions asked in the seminar.  See me or check with a classmate for any questions you cannot answer on your own

HW-read Oedipus scene 4

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 2

Oedipus - Reviewed scenes 1-3 by doing Tableux Vivant - check with a classmate for notes

HW-prepare for Socratic Seminar - review study guide through the end of scene 3 - should be able to address all topics/questions identified

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 2

Library for work on Allusions Projects and clarified instructions - email me with any questions

Commentaries returned - may be rewritten, but need to conference with me first - before school, during break on Monday or Wednesday, or during sixth period (if you have study hall)

HW-Allusions presentations

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Sept 1

Grammar Quiz - Sent #5 - see me to schedule a time to make this up and turn in Sent #1-4

Oedipus - scene 2 and stasimon 2 discussed, began reading scene 3

HW-read scene 3, through top of pg 53 (line 1305)

AP World Lit Class Activities for Sept 1

Intro to Greek Theatre - get notes from a classmate

Allusions Project assigned - pick up your copy from the class folder on my desk

HW- Allusions Presentations - Sept 3, read Oedipus by Sept 4

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Aug 29

Oedipus reading check - this will need to be made up by Tuesday, Sept 2

Discussion of scenes 1 and 2

In-class reading of scene 2

HW - read to page 42 (line 1078), grammar quiz

AP World Lit Class Activities for Aug 29

College Essay brainstorming and drafting - pick up your copy of the Common App essay questions from the class folder and see me for any questions

HW-read Oedipus by Sept 4

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

World Lit Class Activites for Aug 28

Grammar #4 - check with a classmate for corrections

Oedipus - Prologue activity finished - get notes from a classmate of motifs and thematic statement

Discussion of study guide for Parados and beginning of scene 1 - check with a classmate for notes, see me for any questions

In-class reading of scene 1

HW-read through page 30

AP World Lit Class Activities for Aug 28

Reviewed College Board presentation on application essays.  Check out this link: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/get-in/essays/8-tips-for-crafting-your-best-college-essay

Read and discussed sample essays

Pick up your copies from the class folder

HW-read Oedipus by Sept 4

miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Aug 27

Collected: Optional Assignment

Ancient Greek Tragedy background notes finished

Oedipus study guide and text handed out - pick up yours from the class folder

Prologue read and color coded - read and get notes from a classmate

HW-read through page 15 (line 355)

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Aug 26

Grammar Sent #3 - check with a classmate for vocabulary and corrections to the sentence

Ancient Greek Tragedy Unit Overview - pick up your packet from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW - Optional Assignment - written response to one prompt from the Anticipation Guide in the Unit packet (10 points)

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Aug 25

Finished Book Talks

Writing Topics reviewed from Handbook for Writers - plagiarism, paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, and citing - check with a classmate or me for any questions on these topics.

Portfolio Review - take your portfolio and review pieces from previous years.  You will need 2 creative pieces and 2 literary analysis pieces from previous years in your portfolio - everything else is yours to keep at home.  Pick up a Portfolio Chart from the class folder and complete the Writing Goals at the top of the chart by setting writing goals for this year.  The only part of the chart that should be complete is the goals section.  See me for any questions.

HW-complete portfolio review

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014

World Lit Class Activities for Aug 21

Grammar Sent #2 - check with a classmate for corrections and add vocab words to your list

Book Talk work - see me to schedule a time for your Book Talk

HW-Book Talk

AP World Lit Class Activities for Aug 21

Finished discussion of Letters quotations - check with a classmate for notes - see me for any questions

HW-prep for essay which has been moved to Tuesday, Aug 26

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Class Activities for Wednesday, Aug 20

Book Talk Assignment reviewed - see me for any questions

Journal Response completed - pick up yours from the class folder and see me to schedule a due date

HW-Book Talk due Friday, Aug 22

martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, August 19

Grammar Sent #1 - pick up your copy of sentences #1-4 from the class folder and check with me or a classmate for instructions and corrections for the first sentence

Summer Reading Theme Depiction - created pictures of a scene in the summer reading novel that applies to the course theme - does not need to be made up

Summer Reading Book Talk Assignment handed out and reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder and let me know if you have any questions

HW-prepare for Book Talk - due Friday, Aug 22

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

Class Activities for Monday, August 18

Syllabus and Course Theme Review - pick up your copy of the syllabus from the class folder

HW-signed Parent/Student Agreement from syllabus, one class rule (what you think is the most important rule for class), bring summer reading book to class

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, May 13

Reading Circles for Chpts 12-16 - check with me or a classmate for any questions about these chapters

HW-Chpts 17-18, Quiz Chpts 12-18

Class Activities for Friday, May 9

Comparative Paper Outlines collected

Completed John's Basis of Knowledge and Morality handout - get notes from a classmate

Completed Worldview Chart for all but Mond - get notes from a classmate

HW-read through Chpt 16 by Tuesday, May 13

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014

Class Activities for Thursday, May 8

BNW Quiz Chpts 6-11 - This will need to be made up as soon as possible when you return to class

Topic Statements returned and discussed

Sample outline for Comparative Essay completed - get notes from a classmate

HW-Outline, read through chapter 16 by Tuesday, May 13

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, May 6

Grammar Sent #52 - check with a classmate for corrections
Sample Comparative Paper Topic Statement (with Mrs. Gracesqui as the author of the paper):

Mr. Brown from Achebe's Things Fall Apart has a Christian worldview that compares to my Conservative Christian worldview through who we believe God is and what the basis of morality is.  However, Bernard from Huxley's Brave New World has a Postmodern Marxist worldview that contrasts with mine based on our views of the basis of knowledge and what happens to a person at death.

Class Discussion of chapters 7-9 and comparison to news article from May 5 - get notes from a classmate

HW-Chpt 10 and Comparative Paper Topic Statement

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Class Activities for Thursday, April 10

Things Fall Apart Wrap-up

Read together and discussed "The White Man's Burden" and Matthew 28:19-20 - pick up your copy from the class folder

Completed a modified T-chart to compare the poem, the Bible verse, and Achebe's novel in their comments on "other" nations - get notes from a classmate

Reviewed Anticipation Guide and discussed opinions that may have changed about themes in the novel.

HW - Be safe and smart during Spring Break! :)

Class Activities for Wednesday, April 9

Things Fall Apart Worldview Comparative Chart - pick up yours from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW - none

martes, 8 de abril de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, April 8

Things Fall Apart Reading Quiz - Chpts 20-25

Finished Quote/Theme Analysis - get notes from a classmate

Okonkwo Obituary Assignment given - pick your copy up from the class folder

HW - finish Okonkwo Obituaries

lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

Class Activities for Monday, April 7

Theme/Quotation Analysis - pick up your copy from the class folder and check with a classmate for notes

HW-Chpts 24-25, Quiz Chpts 20-25

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Class Activities for Friday, April 4

Grammar Quiz - Sent #50 - this will need to be made up when you return to school

Things Fall Apart Character Pyramid Poems

HW-Chpts 22-23

Class Activities for Thursday, April 3

Things Fall Apart Reading Circle - this will need to be made up Tuesday, April 7, before school

HW-Chpts 20-21, Grammar Quiz Sent #50

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Class Activities for Wednesday, April 2

Grammar Sent #49 - check with a classmate for corrections - grammar quiz on Friday

Things Fall Apart - scenes from Chpts 14-17 acted out

HW-Chpts 18-19, prepare for Reading Circle on Chpts 14-19

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, April 1

Things Fall Apart Proverbs Activity finished - get notes from a classmate

Optional Assignment given - Write a 1-2 paragraph journal/diary entry from the perspective of Nwoye or Ezinma after moving to Mbanta. (10 points)

HW-Chpts 16-17, Optional Assignment

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Monday, March 31

Things Fall Apart Quiz - Chpts 7-13 - this will need to be made up when you return to school

Proverbs Activity - pick up your copy from the class folder

HW - Chpts 14-15

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Wednesday, March 28

Things Fall Apart - Reading Circles for Chpts 7-10

HW-Chpts 11-13, Quiz Chpts 7-13

Class Activities for Thursday. March 27

Grammar #48 - check with a classmate for corrections

Things Fall Apart - Personal Journal response - What voices do we listen to when we are making decisions?, Venn Diagram comparing Okonkwo and Abraham - get notes from a classmate

HW-Chpt 10

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Class Activites for Wednesday, March 26

Honors Research Assignment Presentations finished - get notes from a classmate

Research Assignment Writing Prompt reviewed - pick yours up from the class folder

HW - Chpt 9 and Writing Prompt

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, March 25

Grammar Sent #47 - check with a classmate for corrections

Honors Research Presentations - get notes from a classmate - you will be required to use this information in a writing assignment

HW-Chpt 8

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Monday, March 24

Reading Quiz - Chpts 1-6 of Things Fall Apart - this will need to be made up when you return to school

Character Relationship Chart - pick yours up from the class folder and check with a classmate for notes

HW-Chpt 7, Honors Research Assignment presentations due tomorrow - print out slides or email the presentation (email the link if it is a Prezi)

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Thursday, March 20

Reading Circles - chapters 1-3 study guide questions - pick up your study guide from the class folder and check with a classmate for notes

HW - Chpts 4-6, Reading Quiz Chpts 1-6

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Wednesday, March 19

Grammar Sentence #46 - pick your sentences and list of prepositions up from the class folder and check with a classmate for corrections

Africa Maps completed and discussed - pick yours up from the class folder and get notes from a classmate

HW - Chapter 3

Class Activities for Tuesday, March 18

Things Fall Apart Anticipation Guide completed and pronunciation guide reviewed - pick yours up from the class folder

Began reading chapter 1 in class

HW- read through Chapter 2

Class Activities for Monday, March 17

Political Poetry Anticipation Guide reviewed and statements corrected - check with a classmate for corrections

Political Poem Writing - RAFT - see me for instructions

HW-finish poems in necessary

jueves, 6 de marzo de 2014

Class Activities for Thursday, March 6

Grammar #44 - check with a classmate for corrections - there will be a grammar quiz next week - learn comma rules

Anti-communist Poets continued - Milosz - took notes on the poet's background and worked in groups to complete Questioning and Inferring chart - pick yours up from the class folder and gets notes from a classmate

HW - Research Paper Final Draft and Binder due March 12 by 4 pm

Class Activities for Wed., March 5

Grammar #43 - check with a classmate for corrections

Anti-communist Poets - color coded and analyzed "Freedom to Breathe" - check with a classmate for notes, read and discussed "The Duckling"

HW - Research Paper Final Draft and Binder due 3/12 by 4 pm

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, Feb 25

Rough Draft rubric handed out and reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder and let me know if you have any questions

Grammar Sent #41 - pick up your sentences from the class folder and check with a classmate for

Tone and Mood - discussed ways to describe - see Wordle posted in classroom

"The Second Coming" by Yeats analyzed - Tone and Mood Chart completed - get notes from a classmate

HW-Rough Drafts due (whether you are in school or not), individual conferences available before and after school

Class Activities for Monday, Feb 24

Computer lab for drafting of Rough Draft - must use 5 vocabulary words and turn in vocab lists with the rough draft. - up to 2 bonus points can be earned for correct use of up to four additional vocabulary words (1/2 point each)

HW-Rough Drafts due Feb 26 (whether you are in school or not - it can be e-mailed), individual conferences available before and after school

viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities for Friday, Feb 21

Introduction to Political Poetry Unit - pick up your packet from the class folder
Anticipation Guide - complete this for the "Before" column
Unit Notes - and check with a classmate

HW-Rough Drafts due Feb 26, Individual Conferences available, Monday we are in the computer lab for drafting - bring RP Binder

Class Activities for Thursday, Feb 20

Library for work on research paper

HW-Rough draft due Feb 26, Individual Conferences available

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities for Wednesday, Feb 19

Library for individual work on the research paper

HW-Rough Draft due Feb 26, Individual Conferences available now from March 7 - sign up on the schedule behind my desk

Class Activities for Tuesday, Feb 18

Grammar Sent #40 - turn in #36-40 - turn this in on the day you return to class
Peer Review of First Drafts continued

HW-Rough Drafts due Feb 26, Individual Conferences available before and after school from now until Mar 7

Class Activities for Monday, Feb 17

Grammar Sentence #39 - check with a classmate for corrections
First Drafts checked for completion
Peer Review of First Drafts - pick up your Peer Review Checklist from the class folder and work with a partner from class to complete it on your own time

HW-Rough Drafts due Feb 26, Individual Conferences available before and after school from now until Mar 7

miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities - Wednesday, Feb 12

-Final Thesis and Sentence Outline turned in - turn yours in on the day you return to school
-Grammar #37 - correct this sentence and check yours against a classmate's for corrections
-Sample Intro and Conclusion paragraphs reviewed - pick up your copy from the class folder in the file tray on the file cabinet and check with a classmate for notes.  See me or e-mail me with any questions.

HW-First Draft due Feb 17

Class Activities - Tuesday, Feb 11

-In-class work on Sentence Outlines and individual conferences with teacher as needed - see me or e-mail me with any questions about the assignment

-New Due Date for First Draft - Feb 17!

-Individual after school conference will begin to be offered Feb 17.  Conferences will be held between 4:30 and 5:30 pm and will be 20 minutes long.

HW - Final Thesis and Sentence Outline

Class Activities - Monday, Feb 10

-Notes Pages returned and reviewed
-Sample Final Thesis and Sentence Outline created from Sample Prel Thesis and Topic Outline for Les Mis - get notes from a classmate

HW-Final Thesis and Sentence Outline due Wed, Feb 12

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, February 4

-Preliminary Thesis and Topic Outline turned in - must be turned in the day the student returns to school
-Individual work in the Computer Lab and conferences with the teacher about thesis and outline.

HW-2nd binder check Friday, Feb 7 - notes pages for three more sources

lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

Class Activities for Friday, Jan 31

-1st Binder Check - your binder and notes pages must be turned in the day you return to school

HW - Preliminary Thesis and Topic Outline due Feb 4, 2nd Binder Check Feb 7

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Class Activities for Tuesday, Jan 28

-Reviewed requirements for First Binder Check on Jan 31 - review this information on your Research Paper Timeline and let me know if you have any questions.
-Individual work in the Computer Lab taking notes on sources.

HW - First Binder Check Jan 31